Chapter 40: She is the Devil

They practiced until midnight, and only then did everyone disband and return to their hotel rooms.

Su Yuqing's room was on the ninth floor, and Xiao Zhu had already brought her luggage over, everything neatly arranged.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, she lay in bed preparing to browse through her phone.

As soon as she turned on her phone, a flood of messages came in.

Delete all!

She was simply too lazy to look at them.

Just when she opened Weibo to see what the buzz was, her phone suddenly rang.

He Suyan?

She furrowed her brows slightly and pressed the answer button, "Hello? Calling at this time, disturbing someone's sweet dreams?"

"You're not asleep yet." He Suyan's voice, tinged with a hint of amusement, came through the phone.

Su Yuqing rubbed her ears, "Was just about to sleep, what's up?"

"Madam Ou is planning to visit the program group tomorrow." He too was aware it was late and got straight to the point.