Chapter 41: Isn't it a hush money?

Su Chengxi was set up with the persona of a scholarly prodigy by her agency when she debuted.

Of course, her academic performance had indeed been good before, but after entering the entertainment industry, she had less and less time for studies, and her grades naturally dropped.

Having someone else take exams for her was indeed her doing, no one wronged her.

"First it was Su Yuqing, now it's Su Chengxi. I don't know who the Su sisters have offended," Lu Minglan sighed all of a sudden while everyone was gathered for breakfast in the morning.

That comment she made was very suggestive.

Since it was live broadcast, the moment she said that, the barrage started to get messy.

[Birds of a feather, Su Chengxi and Su Yuqing are no good.]

[One attempted murder, and the other cheated for someone else, such low character, are these Su Family traditions?]