5 Super stable, super reliable!

It seems the problem isn't here.

Tang Micheng opened his mouth, looking somewhat bewildered.

Tang Jin was still thinking when he suddenly pulled Tang Micheng to the side with a swift move. His small body leaped up, and he struck hard with the horsetail whisk in his hand toward the rear.

There was a muffled sound.

"So hard."

Tang Jin, holding Tang Micheng by the collar, flung him to the back with ease and looked at his little dust whisk.

"What is so hard?"

Tang Micheng fell to the ground again, but this time, only one thought was in his mind: This sister—she must have learned martial arts at Mount Sanqing.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Surrounding them were the sounds of summer insects; the howling wind was nowhere to be heard.

Tang Micheng hadn't even had the chance to relax when he saw Tang Jin stand up and charge at the fleeing shadow under the night lamp. He watched as the woman was actually subdued by Tang Jin, beaten by the horsetail whisk until her face was bruised and swollen! No mercy shown!

In the end, she actually transformed directly into a square object, as if trying to squeeze into the brick and tile structure of the nearby house walls.

But the next second, she was whipped out by Tang Jin's horsetail whisk.

This time, as it landed under the streetlamp, Tang Micheng saw it clearly.

It was a square stone carving, its edges already somewhat broken, but one could still make out the carving of a crane bringing longevity.

Tang Micheng's eyes widened—he recognized this stone carving!

It was an antique with good auspicious meanings, procured from who knows where by his cousin Wei Yihan, and given to his grandfather for his seventy-fifth birthday.

The horsetail whisk in Tang Jin's hand was already coming down.

There was a cringe-inducing crack.

Fissures extended inch by inch from underneath the whisk, and fine powder rustled down, finally breaking into several pieces.

A sturdy stone carving, weathered by wind and rain, ended up shattered into three parts by a five-and-a-half-year-old child after not even three moves!

What kind of strength was this? Or what kind of trick? A whisk breaking a stone!

Tang Micheng swallowed hard as the wounds on his body began to throb painfully after the fact.


He sucked in a breath of cold air.

Tang Jin had already huffily waved her small hands and ambled over, seemingly annoyed that her slippers hindered her performance, kicking them off on the spot with the innocence of a child.

"Do you want to wait here for me? I'll go find Steward Grandfather and make a phone call to take you to the hospital."

"No no no, I'll go with you, I don't want to stay here alone!"

Considering what Tang Jin was just now.

Following her felt much safer than staying here alone!

Limping, he hugged his skateboard to his chest and automatically reached for Tang Jin's hand. Then cautiously glanced at the shattered stone carving that was unrecognizable, "What was that just now?"

"An Object Demon that emerged from inside the stone carving."

Tang Jin pulled him along towards home, not forgetting to explain to him.

"Some things that survive a long time can, under fortuitous circumstances, turn into Object Demons, the lowest class of demons and monsters. Grandfather's illness is also because of it. It shouldn't have been so powerful or malevolent. It's just that we don't know what its fortuitous encounter was. We'll need to follow this thread and check."

So demons and monsters... they really exist in this world?!

"Then why did you know something would happen to me in the evening at noon? Couldn't you have told me more so I wouldn't have left the house? Wuuwuuwuu!"

His voice was full of grievance, with a crying tone, "And with such a loud noise, why does it seem like no one around can hear it?"

"You started to show a purplish-black aura at noon, spreading from your nose tip to your forehead, signaling a disaster, a calamity of blood. Calculating the time, between eight in the evening and two in the morning, the yin energy is strongest. Also, feel in your pocket—I put something in there at noon so you wouldn't lose your life. As for the people around not hearing, it's because you've long been in the world of the Object Demon."

Touching his pocket, he indeed found a gray and slightly torn Triangular Talisman Paper. Tang Micheng felt Tang Jin's words were even more mystical.

Tang Jin's childlike explanations were beyond his comprehension, but that did not stop him from knowing they were real.

You would think she's spouting nonsense, when in fact she's a big shot, and she's telling the truth, yingying QAQ

After walking a few steps, Tang Jin stopped, looked up at him, and appeared quite proud.

"Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid. I'll protect you, I'm super reliable!"

The pillar of Sanqing Taoist Temple is not named in vain, tried and approved!

The reliable mainstay of the family knocked on the door.

"Steward Grandfather! Let's hurry and take Brother to the hospital, he's been disobedient and his injuries are not minor!"


Tang Chuang had indeed been busy during this period.

The partners who had originally agreed on a deal were now willing to pay a penalty just to break the contract with them.

The people below him seemed to be bewitched, as even the most basic plans were repeatedly flawed.

It was already late, and the atmosphere inside Tang's Technology was tense. Due to frequent work mistakes that necessitated overtime to correct, no one dared to speak out and provoke the boss's anger further.

Tang Chuang removed his rimless glasses, pressed his temples, and looked at his phone, thinking about how that little one had come over at noon to urge him, saying his brain was sick and that he needed to see a doctor quickly.

Tang Jin seemed obedient, but was not easily fooled.

If she knew he had been busy all day and had not kept his promise to go for an examination in the afternoon, he wondered if she would get angry.


Holding his phone, Tang Chuang sent a message, stood up, and with a reverse hand, picked up his coat and walked out.


"How late it is, and you think I'm one of your underlings? Coming for a check-up at this hour, are you sick in the head?"

The sophisticated man in his forties, dressed in a white lab coat and holding a blue folder, yawned languorously and raised an eyebrow at this fellow who had suddenly messaged him for a check-up.

The two were classmates and had grown up together as brothers.

The health of the Tang Family was entrusted to his hospital.

"I just got off the operating table an hour ago. You know how complex and difficult brain surgery is, don't you?"

"Just a simple check, give me a report after," Tang Chuang said as he took off his watch.

"My little girl was brought back home, and she insists I get checked. I was too busy during the day, and I'm worried she will be unhappy if I don't go."

"Wow, your little girl's been brought back? Hard to tell, Brother Chuang, you're whipped by your daughter, aren't you?"


Whipped by his daughter?




The man chuckled.

All right.

Such a proud tsundere.

He arranged for Tang Chuang to lie down.

The man yawned as he operated the machinery.

He went through each check one by one.

He looked at the data forming on the computer and was somewhat distracted.

Thinking about what to eat for late-night snacks after serving this inhumane beast, and he also needed to bring some back for his wife, who must be exhausted from the busy pediatric department today.

As for Tang Chuang's medical report?

With a physique that could outdo a bull, after so many check-ups, he was the healthiest in the Tang Family. What could possibly be wrong? It was just about creating a form so he could go back and appease the little girl.

Thinking this way, he suddenly sat upright, his gaze fixed, his smile gone, and his eyebrows furrowed.


Having finished the check-up, Tang Chuang walked out of the examination room and picked up his smartphone and watch. "Zhang Yi, is the form ready?"

"Brother Chuang."

The man's tone was serious as he stared intently at the computer screen before looking up, his face devoid of any smile.

"This might not be an issue that can be resolved with just a simple check-up," he said.