6 It's so cute and soft just by looking at it.


The clock swung, the verdant sways, within the grand residence.

The family doctor hurried over and gave Tang Micheng a preliminary examination of his injuries.

There was no obvious fracture.

But he had fallen too hard this time, and it was uncertain whether there might be a hairline fracture, so after a simple disinfection of the still bleeding wound, he needed to go to the hospital for an X-ray.

Tang Micheng's chubby face was also covered in scrapes and bruises, but the normally pampered Little Fatty didn't cry, staring at Tang Jin with reddened eyes.

It was a look of grievance and pity.

Wherever Tang Jin went, his gaze followed, like a young puppy seeking safety after being kicked fiercely.

The usually stern Old Master Tang was also startled by the two children and hurriedly made arrangements before planning to take Tang Micheng to the hospital for X-rays.

"I, I want sister Jinjin to come with me,"

Tang Micheng said in a tiny, trembling voice, asserting his desire to cling to a protective figure.

"Do you even see what time it is? Doesn't your sister need to sleep?" Old Master Tang furrowed his brow, "Have you forgotten she arrived by plane today? She hadn't even been in a good mood earlier, and now you realize her worth?"

Tang Micheng: QAQ

Stop scolding, the child knows he's in the wrong.

The child was blind to Mount Tai!

Please give the child another chance to cling to life!

Tang Jin, who was feeling sleepy, rubbed her big eyes, which held a glimmer of moisture.

"And you,"

Old Master Tang was also anxious and afraid and reached out to rub Tang Jin's little cheek, trying to sound strict, yet his voice involuntarily softened.

"Even if our neighborhood is safe, how could you dare to go out alone at night?"

Recalling the security footage of the half-person-tall Little One using her little dust whisk to unlatch the door and scurry out, Old Master Tang was still scared.

Tang Jin's small face scrunched under the rubbing, clutching her Floating Dust in her arms and a little hand trying to stop Old Master Tang's rubbing motion, her milky voice defending.

"That's because Brother was not being obedient, and I went to save him. If I hadn't gone, he wouldn't be just suffering from a simple fall and bruising,"

Tang Micheng nodded furiously, his description of the recent events confused and disjointed.

Something about a Stone Sculpture Monster? Almost strangled on the bridge?

Where around here is there a bridge?

Old Master Tang was nearly amused by the absurdity.

At noon, they couldn't stand the sight of each other, and now they were breathing through the same nostril?

The car arrived, and Tang Micheng, seeing Tang Jin getting in, breathed a sigh of relief.

The car seats were a bit high, her little legs swung back and forth in the air, her dirty clothes had been changed, Little Baldy's head was gleaming brightly, her thin little arms showing small red abrasions.

The night was quiet, the clouds half-covered the moon, and summer insects buzzed.

Outside the car was their grandfather, still recuperating, being assisted step by step towards the vehicle.

Already in pain, Tang Micheng watched his grandfather's aged figure and felt the surrounding stillness, with an unspeakable sourness growing in his eyes, he dropped his head, resembling a wilted mushroom after taking society's harsh beating.

He cautiously reached out and took Tang Jin's hand.

"Sister Jinjin, am I, am I beyond saving? I, I'm not afraid of death! It's just that I haven't been dutiful to Grandfather yet, I haven't contributed to the country, I'm only nine this year..."

Begging for rescue!

Tang Jin turned her head, blinked her large cat-like eyes, and spoke with her milky voice earnestly, "I don't know."

Little Fatty shivered.

The soft and cute bun took a deep breath, "In a hundred years we'll all be in the ground. Be a good child and don't be afraid."

And then she patted his head with all seriousness.

She smiled sweetly and tenderly, appearing obedient and endearing...



The hospital's top-floor ward.

Tang Chuang had just finished a round of examinations and changed into comfortable clothes.

The tall man's elite aura had dispersed somewhat, his long lashes drooping, holding his phone without doing anything else, yet his side profile inexplicably soft.

On the small coffee table, some medical reports lay scattered—cardiovascular and cerebrovascular high-risk pending further tests.

The door to the ward was pushed open.


Zhang Yi's complexion was much better than before, but his brow was still furrowed.

"Brother Chuang, that was quite dangerous. Signs of cerebrovascular disease. Fortunately, you came in for an examination today. Combined with medication, paying attention to your diet, rest, and emotional relaxation in the near future, you can almost alleviate it to the best possible condition. Once this disease strikes, the sequelae are irreversible. You are now on the verge of an onset. One more day, and I'm afraid it would be uncontrollable."

He approached with a smile and patted Tang Chuang on the shoulder.

"Ah, your daughter really is your little lucky charm. There are barely a few people in the whole of Yun Country who can detect heart and brain diseases at this stage. Take it easy and rest in the hospital for a couple of days—your health is more important than business."

But Tang Chuang looked up, his expression conflicted, glanced at Zhang Yi, and hesitated to speak.

Zhang Yi understood, realizing how hard it must be for someone who seldom fell ill to accept the possibility of a serious health condition.

"Really, there's no need to worry."

"Do you think... the fortune-telling metaphysics in this world is real?"

Both voices spoke out at the same time.

Zhang Yi: ...Huh?


Tang Micheng went for further examination while Tang Jin and the grandfather rested in the lounge.

The Old Master Tang had his physical examination here not long ago, and the results weren't very good. Organ degeneration in the elderly, a fall can disrupt balance, and then decline often follows rapidly.

Now that it was getting late, the doctors and nurses couldn't help but come to check several times.


The doctor stared at the monitor, taking several additional measurements for the old man, surprise in his eyes.

"Old Master, you took your medication on schedule and in the correct dosage today, right?"

The doctor packed up the equipment with a joyful expression, "The condition has improved. Whether it's the heart or other functions, they're much stronger than the last time we measured, indicating gradual recovery. You still have a robust constitution! Maintain a good mood, eat a light diet, and take proper rest. Looking at you, seeing your granddaughter get married won't be a problem, and maybe you'll even get to hold your great-granddaughter."

The Old Master was also extremely surprised.

"I was wondering why I felt especially energetic today."

The butler, beaming with joy: "I must quickly tell the young masters this good news."

Tang Jin obediently sat in front of her grandfather, holding his hand and tilting her little head.

The Old Master dispersed the obscuring dust, the black air that was about to spread across his face gradually dissipated. Misfortune gone, good fortune arrived.

The Little One's fair, pinkish face assumed a reserved lift.

A kind of soft, small pride.


"Don't wail and weep here before me. Don't you all just want money?"

"This is a hospital, be quiet!"

The voice carried from the hallway.

"What's going on outside?"

"Just now there was a car accident victim brought in."

The doctor put away his tools, frowning, "The injury was quite serious but they were resuscitated. The family has arrived and they might be negotiating with the driver who caused the accident."

Tang Jin suddenly looked up.

The light above flickered very subtly, twice.

Tang Jin hopped down from the chair, "Grandpa, I'm going to see if Brother is okay."

The doctor also walked over, "Old Master, it's a good time to do a detailed examination, we need to prescribe new medication for you."

The Old Master nodded and let the butler take Tang Jin away.

Once outside, the noise grew louder.

The crowd had gathered in a circle.

A woman dressed in coarse hemp clothing was wailing on the ground while a man was blocking the path of two young men.

They were both just over twenty years old.

One had an expression of helplessness, "I was just passing by to drop someone at the hospital, and I even advanced the payment for the emergency fee. You should negotiate with the driver who caused the accident, why block my way?"

Tang Jin then looked at the other, frowning.

Eyes revealing too much white, a crooked nose, red-threaded eyes like those of a drunk, he was a type to speak deceitfully, not destined for a good end.

He took out a cigarette pack, about to light up.

"Say it, how much money do you want? The person's not dead, I'm not going to pay you the amount I would if there was a private settlement after death."