Jinjin put her dad to sleep.

"How's the company been recently?"

Finally, she temporarily cast aside her doubts and walked towards the elevator.

The business manager's expression hesitated briefly before he followed her by lifting his foot.

As they entered the elevator, before the business manager could press the button for a higher floor, Wei Meng called a stop and looked down at her phone screen.

Clearly, Tang Micheng was still holding a grudge, and he had only sent a text message with a very bad tone, insisting that she come over for caregiving.

Startled and with many injuries on his body, Tang Micheng had been resting at home for the remaining days of the week.

As for Tang Jin, who sports an unsophisticated bald head and spouts nonsensical chatter, Wei Meng snorted coldly.

She didn't know what the five-year-old girl, who had only been there for two days, had done to not only win over the Old Master Tang, who doted on his granddaughter, but Tang Micheng seemed as if he had taken the wrong medication.

She did need to bring Cheng Cheng back. Moreover, what she said today was indeed a bit too much.

"I'm not going upstairs today, press the first floor."


The button for the first floor lit up, the door closed, and the elevator was supposed to descend smoothly, but in the next moment, with a click——

Before anyone could react, the elevator plummeted straight down——


After a thorough examination and treatment, it was confirmed that Tang Chuang's nutrition blood vessels successfully eased his condition, and the high-risk alarm had been eliminated. He only needed to be observed for one more day before he could go home.

At that moment, Tang Jin was sitting on a small stool, holding an apple in one hand and a peeler in the other, sizing up the apple.

Although it was the safest kind of peeler.

Still, seeing a five-year-old child wielding it, Tang Chuang couldn't help but feel anxious and had a subtle feeling of exploiting child labor.

In the end, he watched as Tang Jin peeled the apple cleanly, but it was clearly 'thinner' by more than a round.

Tang Chuang tugged the corner of his mouth and patted her little bald head, which was slick and smooth.

He couldn't help but chuckle and took a bite out of the apple.

It was the first time Little Milk Jin had tried peeling an apple, and she was eagerly waiting for him to eat it.

Seeing him take a bite, she puffed out her little chest, carrying a soft sense of pride and satisfaction, "This is a reward for Daddy who gets well."

Little Milk Bun, in all seriousness, also gave a rewarding pat, "Only an obedient Daddy is a good Daddy."

Then she murmured softly, with a slight sigh, and shrugged her little shoulders.

"Some people don't listen and might end up losing half their lives."

Tang Chuang vaguely heard a few words; thoughtful, he gently poked Little One's cheek with his fingertip.

"Were you bullied at home?"


Tang Jin clambered up beside the bed and declared to her own father, "No one can bully Jinjin."

If talking didn't work, she could still use her hands.

Bullied? Impossible!

At times like this, she was just like a little bully.

Then, Little Milk Bun, who had not had enough sleep all day, yawned softly, and her cat-like eyes instantly welled up with tears.

Overtaken by sleepiness.

Tang Chuang leaned back into the bed.

The ward on the top floor was reserved for VIPs, mainly prepared for the Tang Family.

After all, the Tang Family had contributed significantly to the establishment of this hospital.

Zhang Yi, having heard of Tang Jin's return, had prepared quite a few children's items in this room.

For instance—

Tang Chuang picked up a children's picture book from beside him and casually pressed the button to close the curtains.

He turned his face to look over.

The man's angular face, usually seen as somewhat cold and ill-tempered, was now clearly filled with eager anticipation.

"You must really want to listen to a story before you sleep, don't you?"

The two boys at home who didn't get along very well with him didn't have this privilege, nor did they want it.

Tang Jin lay on the blanket, grunted, and gazed at her father's face.

Fine then.

She burrowed into the blankets.

The thin fleece blanket felt like a little furnace when the soft little one wiggled inside.

Tang Chuang found this feeling novel; he flipped open the book and began to read in a low, elegant, magnetic voice.

"Once upon a time—"


By the time Old Master Tang had confirmed Tang Chuang's condition with the doctor, and had a quick check-up and adjusted his own medication, he returned to the ward to find himself pausing in surprise.

It was the afternoon.

The curtains were drawn.

The brilliant golden sunlight outside couldn't penetrate; it could only cast a warm presence through the curtains.

Tang Chuang was holding a storybook, resting on his own chest, his body leaning against the pillow, his handsome profile in view and his eyes closed, obviously fast asleep.

And the little one who had been soothed, Tang Jin, yawned and reached out to flick the storybook from his hands.

She glanced at her grandfather and raised her hand, making a 'shush' gesture, whispering softly, "Jinjin just put Daddy to sleep."

Old Master Tang looked at the storybook in Tang Chuang's hands upon hearing this.

This father sure has a knack. Which one of you actually soothed the other?


When Tang Chuang opened his eyes, he felt a warm bundle snuggled against him.

He lowered his gaze and looked down.

Little Bun was curled up beside him, pitifully squeezed by him and not even on a pillow, but even having been treated so poorly, she slept soundly.

Tang Chuang coughed guiltily, planning to shift aside a bit, when he heard a low hum.

He looked up to meet his father's gaze.

The look was reproachful.

Tang Chuang: ...

"Look at our little Jinjin, such a pitiful thing because of you. What kind of father are you?!"

His right to lull Jinjin to sleep had to be revoked for a month.

Tang Chuang hadn't spoken yet.

The little one by his side turned over, and her hand came swinging.

Tang Chuang was caught off guard and was hit by 'little pitiful' Tang Jin so hard he almost lost his breath.

He tugged at the corner of his mouth, looking down in suspicion, only to see Tang Jin's delicate little face all scrunched up, "Scam, scamming dirty money... take that!"

Her milky little voice was still talking in her sleep!

"Good hit, serves him right."

Old Master Tang, eager for amusement, came over and even cheered for the sleeping 'little contestant.'

Tang Chuang: ...

"Hold Darling properly now."

Old Master Tang straightened his face.

"Darling is also over five years old now. Although she's special, at this age, she should interact more with other kids and go to kindergarten. I've been scouting several kindergartens and have picked out a few. You'll choose one when you go back."

Tang Chuang responded and couldn't help but poke the little one's cheek as he lowered his gaze.

Usually, when Tang Jin was awake, it wasn't so obvious how fond of her he was. Now that Tang Jin was asleep, his eyes and hands couldn't stay away, almost as if he had "tender feelings of a tough guy" written on his forehead.

What a mess.

"Alright, you wait for the final check-up. Let Darling sleep a little longer; your second sister-in-law came over this morning and stirred up so much fuss she couldn't get back to sleep."

"I knew she must have been bullied."

Tang Chuang hummed softly.


"What's been going on with the Tang Family recently? So much bad luck?

Zhang Yi's voice could be heard even before he entered the door.

Upon seeing Old Master Tang, he quieted down and greeted him.

"What's this about bad luck? What's happened now?"

Old Master Tang turned around.

"Your daughter-in-law had an accident. There was an elevator malfunction, and she fell straight down from the third floor. She hit the back of her head. Fortunately, for an elevator fall, the third floor isn't that high, so there's no life-threatening danger, but she's still in a coma."