43 Done, is this guy going to be finished?

It was indeed getting late.

The hotel's indoor swimming pool had ceased operations.

The grand lights dimmed, and the staff orderly retreated after a check.

"Where's Brother Yan? Have you guys seen Brother Yan?"

"Haven't seen him since earlier; Brother Yan never came to play, he probably went back to his room early, right?"


The voices gradually faded away.

At this moment, Tang Yan groggily woke up from the darkness.

The scene before his eyes was a blur.

The damp air held the scent of disinfectant.

What happened to him?

His consciousness was in chaos, only aware of the pitch blackness around him, as the last light was about to vanish, bringing about a surge of panic and despair that made him gasp for air.

His hand strained to reach out for that last glimmer of light, but his fingertips felt as if they weighed a thousand pounds, immovable.

What on earth—was going on?

Physiological and psychological suffocation attacked in unison.

Leaving no choice but to panic.