44 It's not easy to live at such a young age!

The window Tang Jin had just come through was a decorative one, very small; there's no way a young man could get out from there.

While pounding on the door, Tang Jin pondered how much compensation she'd need if she took the door down.

After all, Jinjin was the pillar of a Taoist temple that needed her support!

When you're out and about, you've got to know how to economize.

And indeed, at such a young age, she had already come to realize how difficult life can be.


The hotel's recreational facilities had just closed a short while ago, and the staff hadn't clocked out yet.

They suddenly heard a terrifying banging on the door.

After a moment's reaction, everyone's face changed.

There's still someone in the pool?!

"Oh no! Quick, hurry and open the door!"

The place had only opened recently, precisely when they needed to build up trust with the public,

What were the responsible people doing?! How could such an incident have happened?


Hospital corridor.