Chapter -3 Moody’s lesson.

Chapter -3.

"Were you waiting for someone else, boy?"

The old man asked in his usual grumpy voice.

"Yes, my parents. They've been out for the last few hours. Anyway, this is the first time you've been here in months."

I opened the door completely and stood aside to let the old man with the can in.

"Well, I've been busy training some punks. Anyway, take this. Your father told me you wanted a wand that you were making a fuss, so I brought this for you."

The old man suddenly stopped, turned around and tossed me an old wand.

"It's an old one, but it's pretty docile, so I don't think it'll put up any resistance."

"Thanks, Uncle Moody."

I was going to get a new wand tomorrow anyway, but I still expressed my gratitude and gave the exhausted-looking old man a surprise hug, which I think was what he needed most at the time.

"Alright, alright, there's no need to be so touched by something like that. Let's go to the living room and I'll show you how to use it."

The old man said this and pushed me away gently.

'Hehe, it seems you're still surprised by this display of affection.'

I turned around with a smile, closed the door, and followed Alastor to the living room.

Looking back, the first time I saw Alastor was just a few days after I was born. And for some reason, the memory of that time is still vivid to this day. Usually, children don't remember such things, or only remember a little at random times, but thanks to my reincarnation, I seem to have had a pretty strong memory.

At first, I had to wait until I was old enough to ask what relationship this old man had to our family, but when I received the answer, it was a bit of a disappointing answer because our family had no relationship to this old man at all.

But since my father worked under the old man at a certain, his bond with him was strong, and so Alastor would visit my family from time to time.

Sadly that too had started to wane in the last few years, and when I asked about it, father had said that Alastor had taken in some new kids and was teaching them things. I didn't believe him at first, but now that the old man himself said it, I don't think my father was lying.

Well, to put it simply, I was a little disappointed, because if the old man suddenly disconnected, it would just mean that I would no longer be able to learn from him in the future, and that would have been a pretty big loss.

But now that he's here, I have to show him some things and impress him as much as I can, so that he can teach me not only some basic things, but also some more interesting things. Though he looked tired at the moment, but his overall condition was pretty stable than what I had seen in those films, so I don't think he'll teach me something crazy from the start.

"So when will they be back?"

The old man asked as he sat down on the couch and placed his old cane away.

"I don't know, but it's been hours, so I think they'll be back soon."

"Well, then we'd better hurry up. I don't want to hear your mother's nagging if she catches me teaching you magic, and more than anything, you need to keep this wand out of your parents' sight. Which includes your father too."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

I nodded, and then my first lesson with Professor Moody began.

"Don't wave your wand like that as if you're in a skeleton band, wave it properly."

"Yes, Professor, i mean, Uncle Moody."

At first I had thought that I would impress Alastor and have him continue teaching me voluntarily, but when he started teaching me the basic spells, it was too tough to master the basics under his strict gaze.

"Hmm... not bad, you have talent. Hopefully you won't be like your father, i had teach him many basic things even after he had left hogwarts, and joined my team."

"Haha, was dad that bad?"

"What do you know, kid, I had a really hard time teaching him."

The topic changed, and the harsh basic spell teaching turned into a family meeting to reminisce about old memories.

I knew that Alastor Moody's character was much broader and more diverse than just being a strict man who always kept his guard up and was not open to many things, but seeing the character live out another side of himself in front of me was a new development in itself.


"Well, they're here too."

I heard the click of the door opening and looked at the old man. Who was motioning for me to quickly hide my wand.

Well, if he'd known that they were going to get me a new wand tomorrow, he wouldn't have urged me to hide my wand like this. But anyway, following the old man's instruction, I did as he said, got up from the couch and walked towards the door to greet my parents.

"Were you waiting, hun?"

My mom asked as she came into the living room and gave me a motherly hug.

"I was, but then I had some interesting company so it was okay."

I said, pointing towards Alastor.

"Is that so, oh, Alastor, it's you. What a pleasant surprise,"

mother said, sounding a little surprised.

"Did someone say Alastor?"

Father too came in with some bags in his hand and asked curiously.

"Yeah, Uncle Moody's here," I said, popping my head out of my mom's embrace.

"That's Great news isn't it. We got cake and stuff for your acceptance letter, so it'll be nice to have more people join in."

dad said, lifting the bags in the air for a second before running out into the living room.

"Alastor, I thought you'd forgotten about us while you were teaching those new kids."