Chapter -4 Curious little witch.

Chapter -4.

"Son, are you ready? Your father will be late for work."

As I was putting on my robe to go to Diagon Alley for the first time in a while, I heard my mother's calm voice from downstairs.

"I'm coming, Mom."

I answered and started to hurry up and get ready. father had brought a lot of presents, so the last night's party lasted until late into the night. Then, Alastor, who I thought had come to give me my wand, took my father to a corner to talk about something important, so I sat at the table and accompanied my mother while she cleaned up the mess after the acceptance party.

Well, I wish I knew what they were talking about, but oh well.

I gave my hair a nice ruffling and put my obedient wand away somewhere safe out of Mom's reach while she cleaned the house, then left the room.

"Did you sleep well last night, Champ?" Father asked as i walked down the stairs and into the front hallway.

"Well, I was kind of looking forward to getting my wand, so a bit i would say."

I flashed a serious look, lying through my white teeth.

"Haha, I knew it, but today is the end of the wait, so have a laugh."

"Alright, you two, Stop joking around, and William can you bring me some floo powder?"

Mother suddenly interupted with a frown on her face.

"As you order, Madam."

After a bit of teasing, father hurried down to the living room and returned with a small pouch in his hand, which he handed to mother immediatly.

My mother took the pouch of floo powder, turned to me and opened it.

"Hun, you know what to do, right?"

"Yup." I nodded quickly, reached into the bag and pulled out a handful of floo powder.

I had been receiving these little magical and wizarding social lessons since I was about seven years old, so it wasn't difficult for me to know and do these things easily, even without recalling information from my past life.

"Okay then, you go first, and then Dad and I will follow you."

Mum instructed with a smile.

"And Champ, don't forget to pronounce the words Diagon Alley correctly."

I gave my father a thumbs up and stepped into the fireplace, tossing the glistering green powder down and yelling, "Diagon Alley."

A huge amount of fire spewed from the fireplace and an unknown suction force made me feel like I was moving through some kind of thin pipe. The sensation lasted for a few moments, before I came to, lying on the ground covered in ash.

'Ouch, it was a bit of a thrilling, but it still hurt.'

"Are you OK, young man?"

I suddenly heard an adult's voice from behind me, and the next moment I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and try to help me up from the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I said, a little startled, jumping up from the ground, but when I turned around to see who it was that was trying to help me, I was a bit surprised.

It was a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes, standing with her mother, while her father was standing in front of me looking me with concerned eyes.

"Thank you for helping me."

I was surprised at first because I didn't expect to see her before anyone else, but I got over it and said.

"Oh my, what a gentleman. Honey, do you need a handkerchief to clean the ash off your clothes?"

The woman suddenly said this, holding out the handkerchief she had in her hand while continuing to hold the girl's hand.

"Thank you."

As I received the small cloth embroidered with flowers, I looked around to see why my father and mother hadn't arrived yet. But as I was thinking that, a fire lit up in another fireplace a little distance from where I was standing, and suddenly my mother came walking out of it, coughing softly.

"Mom, I'm here."

As my mother was looking in another direction, prpbably looking for me, I called out to her, waving the white cloth I was holding.

Hearing my voice mother turned her head in my direction and as our eyes met, a smile surfaced on her face.

"So you're here with your mom. That's Good, I was worried for a second that you'd gotten lost."

The kind Mrs. Granger said with a smile as she watched my mother rush over to my side.

"Are you okay hun? Sorry I'm late. Dad had to go out on some urgent business and I had to give him some papers."

Mother said, a little apologetic while trying to catch her breath, then took out her wand, looking at my clothes. "Anyway, your clothes had got ash on them, let me clean them for you."

My mother, who had been completely focused on me, finally regained her composure and looked at the three people standing next to me, and all she could say was, "You are?"

"Mom, they thought I was lost and were helping me." I answered before she could draw any strange conclusions.

"Really?" My mother looked at me curiously, and then her eyes fixed on the white cloth in my hands, she said, "Thank you for helping my son."

"No, it's nothing. If it was our Hermione, you would have done the same."

Mrs. Granger said with a smile.

"Haha, so our little Hermione will study at Hogwarts too?" asked mother, looking at the inquisitive little witch.

"Yes, i am. But can I ask you a question, miss?"

Hermione answered with some pride, then stepped out of her mother's shadow and asked.

"Sure, honey, what's that?"

"You just waved that little wand before cleaning the dust off his clothes, what's that? Is that magic too?"

Hearing Hermione's question, my mother looked at me for a moment, then looked back at her and answered. "Yes, that's magic too, but it's only a small part of what you'll be studying at Hogwarts."

A/N : Guys if you're liking this work, please support me with some power stones and comments, that'll be a great help.