Chapter -5 Are they really goblins?

Chapter -5.

"So that's how it is."

Mum said, a little surprised when mrs. Granger told her that they were Muggles and that an old witch had come to visit and told her that her daughter was a witch and that she could learn all about her powers if she decided to go to Hogwarts.

"Well, Professor McGonagall's story sounded convincing, so we decided to take the chance and see the wizarding world for ourselves."

Mrs. Granger said, looking around at the crowd of people in strangely colored robes, an odd shop of flying broomsticks, and excited-looking children floacking around the glass of shop.

'Oh, so it was McGonagall who went to her house.'

I wondered if anyone could convince someone like Hermione that magic really exists. Anyway, looking at her now, I don't think she's all that enthusiastic, since all she's doing is standing beside her mother. But maybe her inquisitive, talkative nature might been awakened after reading the books she'll be purchasing today.

Well, there are countless possibilities on that front, but neither of them were worth wasting my time on, so I turned my attention back to my mother.

"Are we going to Gringotts, Mum?"

Though my parents kept enough galleons in the house, but seeing as how they'd spendthrift last night, i wasn't sure if there were enough galleons in the house to buy supplies for school.

"Yes hun, we are and your dad needs some galleons for work too," Mum said, then looked at Mr. and Mrs. Granger and asked, "What about you, Mrs. Granger, did you exchange your muggle currency for galleons?"

"No, I was just on my way there, but I saw Adam lying on the ground covered in ash and the rest is as you know."

"Oh! Then how about we go there together? Then our children can get to know each other and might become friends as well before they board the train to Hogwarts."

Mum was really doing her best this time with her conversational skills.

I understood that what Mum wanted was for me to have friends, not just sit in a corner thinking about nonsense. But who could tell Mum that all the nonsense I was thinking about and never wanting to forget was the plot of this world.

"That should be fine,"

The Grangers said in unison, accepting mum's offer. I looked over to see Hermione's reaction, but she was staring at me too. So all I could do was smile at her and accept mum's plan to capture new friends.

Now, with the agreement of both houses, we arrived at what is called the safest place in wizarding Britain. Though in reality it could be invaded at a whim if a madman gathered a large number of Death Eaters and killed dozens of goblins to show his ruthlessness.

With the truth in the back of my mind, I looked around, admiring the oriental beauty that was the only attraction of this facility. The building had a unique atmosphere.

"I think that's a desk for exchanging Muggle currency."

Suddenly, mum pointed to a strangely tall desk, drawing the attention of the four of us. Behind the desk sat a small goblin with a long nose and pointy ears.

Well, there were some people in muggle clothes in the line, which may have been why she was able to find the desk so far away, but thankfully no one cared to point that out, so we headed to the desk, and after checking with the people in line, my mother said goodbye to them for the time being. And just as I was about to turn around, my mother played her card again.

"Dear, if you want, you can come with us. I think you'll really like where we're going."

Hearing her say that, I couldn't help but feel like mum was a kidnapper, who is trying to convince little hermione to come with her of her own volition.

"You can go if you want, Hermione,"

Mrs. Granger said, putting her hand on hermione's shoulder and nodding at her reassuringly.

"Alright mother." The little witch said, accepting the offer, and turning toward my mother she said, "Let's go mrs. Baker."

With a grin on her face mom took the lead, and the two of us followed her with brisk steps.

The little witch looked like she wanted to ask something, but she didn't say a word, and I have to say she had the quite good ability to suppress the urge to ask questions. And so we arrived at the desk, which was in the center of the hall.

"I want to open my family Vault." Mom said, looking up at the goblin with the small golden glasses he had put on his long pointy nose.

"Do customer have the key?" The four-eyed goblin asked, adjusting his posture in his chair.

"Yes, it's here."

Mom raised her hand slightly, showing the small key she was holding in her fingers.

"Alright, please wait a minute."

The four-eyed goblin who seemed to be many of the elder of the establsihment suddenly tapped his finger on a small summoning bell on his desk, and the bell rang. Hearing it, a similarly white-haired, slightly younger-looking goblin came over to his desk and bowed slightly.

"Blordak, help this young witch open her family vault."

Blordak stood beside the old goblin with his head bowed, listening to him, then he raised his head, looked at us, and said in an almost monotone, "Follow me."

"Let's go, kids."

Mother put the key back in her sleeve and turned to us.

"Alright," I said, and just as I was about to take a step forward, I felt someone tug at my robe. Then, only Hermione was standing beside me, so I turned to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are these guys really goblin?" she asked.

"What? What do you mean?" I was a little taken aback. I had expected her to ask something nonsensical, but now it was as if I was trying to treat a person based on her future self.

A/N : Guys if you're liking this work, please support me with some power stones and comments, that'll be a great help.