Chapter -6 Are you afraid of heights?

Chapter -6.

"Well, aren't goblins supposed to be a bit aggressive and savage?"

she asked, continuing to tug on my sleeve while looking around, as if she was afraid someone might be hearing her.

"What? Who told you that?"

I asked. At this point, I didn't think there were many books or sources in the Muggle world that detailed information about goblins and magical creatures, so I was curious how she'd come to that conclusion.

"After Professor McGonagall visited my house, I studied quite a lot of material in the city library."

"Oh, so that's your source?"

I couldn't help but smile as I saw Hermione supporting herself with fiction written by famous or some random unknown authors, but anyway, the person standing before me was new to the magical world, and besides, she was like a cat, curious about everything, so it made sense that she would turn to Muggle sources to satisfy her curiosity.

"Kids! What are you doing there? Hurry up."

Well there were many things to tell Hermione about goblins, but mother, who hadn't noticed that we hadn't followed her and was just standing there, suddenly called out from a distance with a look of surprise on her face.

"As you can see, these goblins are nothing like the ones you read about. And, if you're still not satisfied with the answer, just wait a few minutes. When we go to Flourish and Blotts, you will find a lot of books which'll have a lot of things to offer you about goblins ."

I gave her some honest answers, but she still seemed a little skeptical, so I ended up having to include the bookstore in the end.

"You do like to read books, right?"

I asked with some interest and want to confirm something, as Hermione began to look at me with some slight sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes, I do. And since you know much, you'll help me find some interesting books, right?"

"Huh? Ofcourse i will."

Finally, after an hour of walking around togethere Hermione let out a big, toothy grin, and with that, the two of us rushed towards my mother, who asked, "What were you two talking about, that got you two so engrossed in it that you forgot to follow me?"

"Nothing, Mum. She was just asking about Gringotts and goblin's history and stuff."

I replied, looking back at Hermione, who was looking around the big hall with big eyes, like a curious cat once again.

"So, what did you tell?"

Mum asked, stopping in her track.

She seemed to find the topic a bit interesting, but, well, I didn't have anything interesting to say about it, as she herself had not taught me anything related to it, so i replied with a sigh whille continuing to walk: "What do you expect to hear, Mum? I too don't know much."

"Haha, sorry about. Anyway, if you two really want to learn all that, I can tell you since i was a good student of history classes. What do you think?"

"Thanks, Mr. Baker, but I think it would be more fun for both of us if we learned from books. Don't you agree, Adam?"

Before I could answer Mum that I have no interest in learning about goblins or Gringotts or anything like that, and that I know what to do if I want to take over Gringotts or something like that in the future, so there's no need to waste time studying nonsense. But Hermione gave mum the perfect answer, so I just nodded and agreed.

"Ha, its you guys lose, anyway, we need to hurry up a bit or Mr. Blordak might get grumpy."

Mum sighed, but her acting was all over the place, so the next moment she smiled, placed her hand on Hermione's shoulder, and the three of us rushed behind the little goblin in a business coat.

Mr. Blordak walked quickly and led us out of the main hall and into a cold, dark area paved with rough stones.

"Kids, sit in the magic cart."

Mum said, pointing at an old cart that seemed to float in the air for a moment.

When we got near the end of the path, a black iron track appeared at the end of the stone path, running in the air. Hermione saw it and couldn't help but ask, tugging on my sleeve. "Is it really safe here? What if we fall in it if the magic suddenly stops working?"

"Don't worry, that won't happen. This path has been in use for hundreds of years."

Blordak answered Hermione's concerned question.

"Isn't that even more dangerous?"

I couldn't help but click my tongue in annoyance at hearing her complain again, but at the same time I thought it best to set an example rather than try to explain it to her, so I went ahead and sat in the cart, "Come on in. We have many things to purchase today."

"It's okay, it's normal to have those thoughts since you're coming here for the first time, but nothing bad will happen,"

Mum reassured her, and with that the three of us had sat down in the back on the magic cart before the goblin could reprimind us about how we were wasting his time.

"Okay, then try not to move too much."

The goblin said, giving Hermione a nasty grin, and climbed into the front box of the magic cart.

Boom... shriek...

The cart started to rush with the sound of the iron tires screeching.

And now it began to seem like Hermione is somewhat afraid of heights. Her reasoning almost pointed to that, but now that the cart started to talk to the air, she hid her head between her hands, only lifting her small head when the cart made a faint noise.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

I asked, trying to confirm.

"Oh, a little, why? Do you think it's funny?"

"Oh, aren't you being a little protective? I was just asking because if so, I can give you this candy. It'll make you feel a little better."

The candy was a few days old, but it had a refreshing aftertaste, so I had stuffed it in my pocket that day. Who would have thought it would be useful like this?

A/N : [Should i alter her personality a bit ?]

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