Chapter -7 Vault number 710.

Chapter -7.

"Thanks, and sorry I overreacted a bit."

The little witch gave me a small smile, then took the candy from my hand, peeled back the wrapper and put it in her mouth.

"It's okay, that overreaction is nothing compared to my mum's."

"Ouch.. that hurt, when did I do that?"

Apparently, Mum had heard me, but, well, she wasn't the type of mum to mind lies like that, so everything worked out. But on the contrary, the outcome of this little game was really good. Hermione, who had looked scared at first, now looked up with curious eyes and a smile at us mother-son duo at the same time.

With some sudden sharp turn on the iron tracks that gave Hermione a minor heart attack, the magic cart finally came to a halt in front of a small corridor that resembled a small, dark stone cave.

"Give me the torch."

The goblin who got out of the cart called out loud; hearing which mum turned back slightly, took out the torch that was attached to the back of the magic cart and handed it to the goblin.

"Okay, then follow me." The goblin said in a clear voice as he picked up the torch, turned around and started walking straight down the small, cave-like stone corridor.

"Excuse me, Mr. Baker, do all of you have to walk like this every time anyone want to withdraw money?"

Hermione suddenly asked, staring at the dark road in front of her.

"Yes. Though it's a bit of a pain sitting in that thing, but it pretty much guarantees that my money is safe this way."

Mum replied with a smile, and told us to follow her, walking behind the goblin who was walking ahead of us, carrying the torch like a netherworld's guide.

Well, it was certainly an added point in security measures, because only these goblin punks could use that damn magic cart with its roller caster tracks. But at the same time, proving the best security of a regular vault that can be opened with a key is pretty stupid, since one dark spell can put the lock to sleep. However, the same cannot be said about vaults that have two or three layers of security and have a personal recognition system installed.

But no one would ever break into Gringotts just for a few coins, so the security of this small vaults, which also contains a huge amount of treasure, will never be tightened.

"Can I have the key?"

The goblin called out, stopping in front of a thick door with a number written in large letters.

[Vault Number 710]

"Wait? This number." Seeing the vault's number, I immediately looked at the door of another safe right next to ours, only to be disappointed. Remembering the original plot, I wanted to take a look at the safe that now contained the Philosopher's Stone. Well, getting my hands on it while breaking the safe was almost impossible for me, since even that bald Voldy couldn't do much, but anyway, I still had another plan that I wanted to execute, and for that it was very important to know the location of the vault.

And now with these vaults locations being random it seems I must take that first step too that I had discarded from my plan.

"Here you go."

Leaving me aside who was lost in thoughts, mother took out the small key from her long sleeve and handed it to the goblin, who in return once again handed the torch back to mother and asked all of us to step back a little and then inserted the key in the keyhole.

Ding.. Thud..

With a loud sound the heavy door got slight opened and the gobline pulling it wide open, walked over to the corner, allowing mother to do her work.

"Are these coins really made of gold?"

Hermione asked in a low voice, looking at me as Mum entered the vault. As usual, she was asking questions, but somehow I wasn't annoyed by her at all. Maybe it was because she was genuinely interested in learning about all this, not proving herself to some intellectual.

"Most of them are made of gold, but some are made of silver and bronze."

I replied, but at the same time, I was also amazed by the big pile of coins in this little vault. I knew our family was wealthy, as we had a history of being Aurors and holding high-ranking positions in the Ministry, but the wealth in the vault was still too much.

"Mum, can I have the pouch to show Hermione?"

I asked as Mum walked out of the vault in no time at all. The pouch looked a bit heavy though.

"Sure," she replied, handing it to me without hesitation.

Taking the pouch i was about to explain the difference between the coins to Hermione, who still didn't seem to know the difference, but Mr. Blordak seemed to have other plans, as he slammed the door with a loud bang and told us, with some emphasis, to get back to the cart.

"Alright kids, let's do what mr. Blordak says, and you can talk as much as you want in the cart."

I was staring at the little goblin who had already started to walk towards the cart when suddenly Mum said, anyway explaining things to Hermione in the cart was a good plan since she is scared of heights and won't open her mouth to interrupt. So we walked towards the cart and a few minutes later we were back in the great hall with a little extra wizardry knowledge in Hermione's mind.

Hermione ran over to her parents, smiling, seeing them waiting for her with a small pouch with the Gringotts logo on it. I looked at my mom, who was also smiling as she ran over to them.

"Mum will you buy me a wand first? Or a book? A broomstick would be a good option, too."

"I'll definitely buy the first two today. But the broomstick, you definately have to wait for it."

Mom replied, ruffling my hair softly.

A/N : Guys if you're liking this work, please support me with some power stones and comments, that'll be a great help.