Chapter 9: You Will Encounter a Bloody Disaster

The Song family members left the private room one after another. Song Bingyun looked at Tang Yi with a complex expression, but did not say anything.

Tang Yi had been the live-in son-in-law of the Song family for three years, and even his resting place was with the servants.

He naturally would not qualify to attend such a dinner party.

When only the two of them were left, Song Bingyun glanced at the steward and said, "Uncle Xiang, you should take Tang Yi back."

"After you go back, hide at home and don't come out. We'll talk when I get back."

A warmth filled Tang Yi's heart, "Don't worry, wife!"

He understood why Song Bingyun was doing this.

It was because he had hit Song Qiao earlier, and she was certainly worried that Song Qiao would seek revenge.

This Song Qiao, during the three years he was injured, had not ceased to humiliate him!

"I actually wish he would come find me!"

Tang Yi's eyes, as deep as the ocean, unusually flashed a trace of sharpness.

The steward had just led Tang Yi downstairs when a young man approached. Tang Yi recognized him, it was the steward Uncle Xiang's son, Liao Liao.

Tang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

This guy had a good relationship with Song Qiao.

"Tang Yi, I've asked Liao Liao to take you."

While walking, Steward Uncle Xiang instructed, "The head of the household says to go back through the hotel's back door."

"Dad, you can rest assured, I can handle this idiot." Liao Liao, tall and burly, sneered at Tang Yi.

"Liao Liao."

Seeing Liao Liao's ill-meaning smile, Liao Xiang admonished, "Don't overdo it, he's still the Song family's son-in-law."

Liao Liao grinned, "Dad, don't worry. You know my measure."

The father and son, in front of Tang Yi, talked unscrupulously, not taking Tang Yi seriously at all.

Despite this, the people of the Song family had long turned a blind eye.

Just as he was about to leave, a familiar figure appeared beside Tang Yi.

Upon seeing Tang Yi, the person's expression suddenly darkened.

"Foolish Tang, what, thinking of running?"

Song Qiao, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, sneered, "You made me kneel in the crowd, tonight I'll make you kneel in front of the whole city!"

Tang Yi feigned panic, "You... what are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do?" Song Qiao's expression turned ferocious, "Beat him!"

Liao Liao kicked out without hesitation, savagely aiming at Tang Yi's back.

With a cry of alarm, Tang Yi's body suddenly leaned to one side, as if by coincidence, dodging Liao Liao's kick.

Because he had put too much force into it, he couldn't stop his foot in time and kicked Song Qiao right in the groin!


Song Qiao immediately let out a pitiful scream, clutching his groin, nearly dying of pain.

"You... are you fucking blind!" Song Qiao fumed with rage.

Liao Liao came back to his senses, bellowed angrily, and lunged towards Tang Yi once more.

Seeing this, Tang Yi's expression turned to fear, constantly dodging around Song Qiao and the people around him.

Liao Liao, failing to hit Tang Yi, instead accidentally struck Song Qiao several times.

Screams filled the air.

"Motherfucker! Liao Liao, are you fucking blind?" Several people roared in anger and frustration.

One of them was kicked by Liao Liao and sent flying, his body soaring through the air, then with a bang, he slammed viciously into Song Qiao.

Song Qiao was crushed underneath, his expression one of extreme pain.

Liao Liao's eyes widened in disbelief.

He couldn't believe the scene before him.

Clearly, this fool was beaten to the point of hiding everywhere, wasn't he? But why was the fool unharmed, while Song Qiao and his men were in agony?

Liao Liao snapped back to reality, his expression vicious as he stared at Tang Yi, who appeared calm and composed. He couldn't help feeling there was something eerie about it, "Foolish Tang, are you ... are you human or a ghost?"

"What do you think?"

A playful smile appeared on Tang Yi's lips. "I think you must be dissatisfied with Young Master Qiao, so you took this opportunity to vent, didn't you?"

Song Qiao was in pain all over, his face bruised and swollen. He heard this and roared in anger, "Liao Liao, I've been damn good to you, what are you trying to do?"

He instinctively believed Tang Yi's words.

Liao Liao trembled all over, shakily helping Song Qiao up, with a mournful face he said, "Brother Qiao, I ... I really did want to hit him!"

No matter how hard he racked his brain, he couldn't understand how hitting Tang Yi had resulted in him striking his own master.

"It's all because of that fool!" Liao Liao glared up with malice, but suddenly realized that Tang Yi's figure had disappeared.

"The guy ran away!"

Liao Liao roared in anger, wanting to chase after him.

"You ... my balls!" Song Qiao bellowed, "Take me to the hospital first!"

The hotel's main entrance.

Tang Yi's figure emerged. Naturally, he wouldn't exit through the back door—the illustrious Young Temple Master of the Medicine God Hall scared into fleeing out the back?

If word of this got out, he couldn't afford to lose face.

"Three years, huh!"

As he walked, Tang Yi frowned, "I've been missing for three years, and that old man ... he hasn't shown any concern?"

Dissatisfied, he muttered to himself, almost wishing he could storm into that "prison" and personally ask if he no longer recognized his own disciple.

"Forget it; since the old man isn't worried, I'll give him a scare in a few years with a family in tow!" Thinking of this, Tang Yi couldn't help but have Song Bingyun's image flash through his mind again.

With things having come to this point, there was no need for him to stay for tonight's celebration.

Better to be a compliant good man instead.

When he reached the main entrance, the hotel security saw Tang Yi and couldn't help giving him odd looks.

Why was the Song Family's foolish live-in son-in-law loitering at the hotel entrance?

A roaring sound approached, several sports cars, each worth millions, pulled up in front of the hotel.

Conveniently stopping right in front of Tang Yi.

Out of the cars jumped a group of flamboyant young masters and mistresses.

"Fool, get out of the way."

Seeing Tang Yi standing at the entrance, one of the security guards couldn't help but scold him, "They're all renowned figures of Jinling, here to attend the Song family's banquet."

With the arrival of these young elites, all the security guards at the hotel entrance straightened up.

In Jinling, these individuals were the spoiled and powerful. If you crossed them, you'd be skinned alive with nowhere to seek justice.

Because each one represented a prominent family.

Steward Liao Xiang immediately came forward to greet them, respectfully saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, the banquet is about to begin, please come inside!"

"Steward Liao, the feast is starting so early?"

A red-haired young man with a frivolous demeanor laughed and said, "Big Brother told me there would be an exciting performance at the banquet tonight, so that's why we graced the event with our presence."

"Yes, we're all looking forward to it."

"Big Brother Yun said that tonight at the banquet, the Song family will disown the idiot and kick him out of the family."

"I heard that fool has been living with the servants for three years; that miss of the Song family must have been ... heh heh!" The red-haired young man snickered maliciously, "Looks like Big Brother Yun is in for a tough night."

Laughter erupted among his followers upon hearing this.

Steward Liao joined in with a forced smile, but suddenly felt a bone-chilling cold behind him.

He instinctively turned around and his pupils dilated in shock, struck dumb.

Tang Yi looked on calmly, addressing the red-haired young man, "I don't know whether your Big Brother Yun will have a hard time."

"But I can read fortunes, and it seems you might be facing a bloody disaster!"