Chapter 10 The Slap Rings Out



Tang Yi had just finished speaking when he raised his hand and slapped the man across the face.


"Who gave you the courage to run your mouth like this?"


"What status does Miss Song have, and what makes you think you're qualified to curse her?"


"Did you ever consider the consequences before insulting someone?"

As Tang Yi reprimanded, he alternated slaps left and right, quickly turning the red-haired youth's mouth into a bloody mess, with several teeth shattered.

The arrogant red-haired youth was so stunned from the slapping that he gasped in shock, without even the chance to react.

The scene before her was too much to accept.

In Jinling, only he had the right to bully others; when had he ever been bullied like this?

"To deal with a lowlife like you, less talk and more hitting is what's needed!"

Tang Yi snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for the Song family's banquet today, I'd beat you to death!"

"You bastard, you dare to hit me..."

The red-haired youth finally came to his senses, "Do you have any idea who the hell I am?"

"Slap slap—"

Tang Yi didn't want to waste his breath; two more slaps rang out, causing the other party to cry out, "Do you believe I could disable you right now?"

"Slap slap—"

The crisp sound of the slaps, like firecrackers, added several pops to the evening's banquet.

Then there was a deathly silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded, with the sound of the slaps echoing in their minds.

Young Master Huang Yao of the Huang Group in Jinling was actually slapped more than a dozen times right at the entrance of the hotel.

The sound was loud, like firecrackers.

Huang Yao still had buzzing in his head at this point.

The butler Liao Xiang was stupefied; his immediate reaction was to call the security, "Quick, grab Tang Yi!"

Two security guards immediately rushed towards Tang Yi.

The Huang family might only be a second-rate family in Jinling, but everyone knew that the Huang family was supported by the Yun family.

Huang Yao getting beaten up in the hotel would directly affect the Song family.

The security guards drew their batons, pouncing on Tang Yi like starving wolves.

Tang Yi chuckled coldly, took a quick step back and let their batons smash heavily onto their fellow guards.

Screams directly woke the shocked onlookers.

Huang Yao covered his face, his look dark and venomous.

Was this what it felt like to be slapped in the face, humiliated?

"Get him for me, break his limbs, I want to do it myself!"

Huang Yao roared nearly like a feral beast.

Yun Tian Grand Hotel, being the property of the Yun family, naturally the security recognized Huang Yao.

On his command, a dozen security guards, ferocious like wolves, surrounded Tang Yi.

"Tang Yi, you even dare to hit Young Master Huang. Tonight, not even the Song family can protect you!" Liao Xiang chose to watch coldly.

"All of you, get him!"

"Where did this guy get the guts? He dares to hit Young Master Huang?"

At that moment, the young masters and misses behind Huang Yao all snapped to their senses.

A few of them were even itching to join in, eager to beat down Tang Yi.

However, as the security guards, armed with batons, began to make a move on Tang Yi.

His figure flickered like a ghost, and in just twenty-odd seconds, all the guards were on the ground.

"A bunch of trash!"

Huang Yao raged uncontrollably, "Can't even catch a fool, what is Big Brother Yun feeding you for!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he charged over himself.


Huang Yao had always been fond of violence and had even gone to Japan to study Karate for a while.

Though he was small and thin, three to five burly men couldn't get close to him.

He leaped into the air, sweeping his leg out in a wide arc.

All eyes were focused on Huang Yao.

At that moment, the captain of the security team at Yun Tian Grand Hotel also launched a sneak attack from behind Tang Yi, raising his baton and smashing it down hard towards Tang Yi's head.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Tang Yi's mouth.

He dodged swiftly, his figure a flash.

The security captain's baton smashed down hard on Huang Yao's thigh.

Despite Huang Yao's strength, could human bones be more formidable than a security baton? Moreover, someone who had become the captain of the security team naturally had some skills.

When the baton had smashed down on Huang Yao's leg, he immediately felt the clear sound of his shinbone fracturing.

Then he crashed heavily to the ground.

Before he could even cry out in pain, Tang Yi was already standing in front of him.

"You want..."

Huang Yao was about to hurl out some threats when a sharp pain erupted in his chest, and Tang Yi's foot was already stepping on him.

"Everyone, stay right there!"

Tang Yi's voice was apathetic, "Otherwise, I can't guarantee how many ribs your master will break!"

The security guards and the group of young masters and misses immediately halted in their tracks.

"Tang Yi!"

Liao Xiang's heart was in turmoil, his anger uncontainable as he roared, "Release Young Master Huang at once, do you understand the consequences this will bring upon the Song Family?"


Tang Yi revealed a smile as if he were an "idiot," "Sorry, how could an idiot worry about consequences when doing something?"

Then, looking at Huang Yao beneath his feet, "But even an idiot understands you just insulted my wife, so I've calculated that you were bound to encounter a bloody disaster tonight."

"You see, it's come true now, hasn't it?"

As he spoke, he kept increasing the pressure on his foot.

Everyone could clearly hear Huang Yao's ribs snapping, but no one dared to rush forward at this moment.

They were domineering because they relied on their families.

But as the saying goes, the timid fear the bold, and the bold fear the reckless!

Idiots act without weighing the consequences!

Any sane person, upon hearing Young Master Huang's name, would dare not be so arrogant.

"Now listen carefully, I don't care who your master is, which dog it is," Tang Yi said with a sneer, "Apologize to my wife immediately!"

As he uttered the last sentence, Tang Yi's body suddenly emitted a powerful and chilling murderous intent.

Everyone knew Tang Yi was the idiot son-in-law of the Song Family.

Therefore, they all dared not make threats.

They were genuinely afraid that if they made threats, this guy might actually kill Young Master Huang.

Young Master Huang's status was so esteemed, how could he be trampled to death in front of them?

Huang Yao too was shocked by Tang Yi's murderous intent, trembling all over.

How could this idiot possess such a terrifying aura?

He couldn't understand it, and he didn't expect it.

Subconsciously, he wanted to curse a few words, but then a suffocating sensation came from his chest, remembering the harsh words from before, Huang Yao couldn't help trembling all over.

He took a sharp intake of breath and then said with eyes about to burst, "I'm sorry!"

Those three words contained endless resentment!

Everything that had transpired tonight was a lifelong humiliation for him!

However, after he had apologized, he saw Tang Yi still staring at him with a cold sneer, which ignited an endless fury and frustration in his heart again, his eyes malevolent, "Aren't you going to let me go?"

At that moment, everyone present could personally feel the rage and murderous intent emanating from Huang Yao.

It wasn't hard to imagine the inhuman retribution Tang Yi would suffer next.

Everyone was staring fixedly at Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's expression was impassive, his gaze as deep as the starry ocean, he said authoritatively, "The words 'I'm sorry,' say them clearly, who are you apologizing to!"