Chapter 124 Breaking and Then Establishing

The sudden change of events delivered a strong blow to Song Bingyun.

She struggled to accept the reality and quickly followed outside.

Outside, unbeknownst to when, it had started to rain.

"Why would you do this? I haven't done anything wrong, why?"

"Grandfather, stop the car, give me an explanation!"

"We are all your grandchildren, why do you treat me this way?" Song Bingyun chased after Song Degong's car.

Song Degong sat inside the car, his face expressionless, feeling once again the power of the family head.

And this was the fate of those who betrayed him!

And, this was just the beginning!

The investment conference was approaching, and Song Yu would surely become the focus of the event, securing investment from the Yi Ning Consortium, rallying the Song Family's strength!

By then, he wanted to watch Song Bingyun kneel and beg for mercy.

He wanted the entire Jinling to bow at his feet!

"Don't stop the car, drive faster," Song Degong ordered ruthlessly.