Chapter 125 Paying Off in the End

Tang Yi watched Song Bingyun's figure and understood that this dazzlingly brilliant woman had grown up!

And, a world-shaking beauty product was about to be unveiled!

In the following two days, Song Bingyun and Song Desheng worked nearly around the clock in the laboratory, almost forgetting to eat or sleep as they continued their research.

Wanting a perfect formula for a beauty serum, how could it be easy?

Although Tang Yi had pointed out the general direction, there was still a long road to success.

Firstly, all medicine is three parts poison.

As a beauty serum used on the skin's surface, it absolutely could not tolerate even a trace of harmful toxins.

Secondly, medicinal ingredients can counteract each other. Even the combination of two herbs could change the properties of one of them.

Let alone the blending of several dozen herbal ingredients.

Continuous experimentation, continuous improvement...

From nightfall to dawn.