Chapter 70: Missing the Opportunity

With a heavy sigh, the Eastern Emperor commanded, "Do as he wishes."

"Yes, my lord."

Then, the Eastern Emperor pondered and said, "Someone, confiscate all the surveillance here, arrange for the best medical treatment for the wounded, and then issue compensation.

As for those involved in this matter, have them all sign a confidentiality agreement. In short, I want to make it as if today's events never happened. If word gets out, martial law will be enforced."

After everything was handled, an official statement was issued, claiming it was a joint exercise between the military department and local forces."

The Eastern Emperor issued orders methodically, quickly clarifying the various matters at hand.

Even Chen Chao was found to be a descendant of the Chen family, one of the four major families in Fragrant City.

Therefore, the Eastern Emperor personally made a phone call, silencing the Chen family by stating that Chen Chao was being secretly cultivated for special reasons.