Chapter 71 Death Notification

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Wang Yuqi responded and then slowly recounted the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that two months ago, their team had been hired by a mysterious backer to excavate an ancient tomb, and they spent a full half month studying before formally entering.

The ancient tomb was full of traps, but ultimately their team still managed to arrive at the final resting place of the tomb owner smoothly.

Among the tomb owner's burial items, the most precious was a treasure box that needed a secret key to unlock.

But just as they had gotten their hands on it, things went awry, and in the next second, everyone's vision went dark, followed by an outbreak of pained howls.

Wang Yuqi, who was the closest to the treasure box, saw that something was amiss and attempted to grab the treasure box first, but unfortunately, the enemy was too fast, and in the chaos, she only managed to snatch the secret key.

For that, she paid a heavy price of being hit by two bullets.