Chapter 9 Though a million people stand in my way, I shall go forth.


Under Ye Fan's sharp gaze, Wang Meng found it difficult to swallow and broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead.

"I... I dare not!"

Wang Meng felt fear, deep down to his bones.

He was just a minor security team leader, how could he dare to oppose the Red Flame Army, the ace squad within the Heavenly Abode Country's borders?

The reason Wang Meng was fearless was because of the Jiang Family backing Liang Qiufeng, thinking that Ye Fan was just a nobody. However, he never expected that Ye Fan had a connection with the Red Flame Army, and he certainly didn't foresee that the invincible soldiers of the Red Flame Army would actually address Ye Fan as God Ye.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Wang Meng's group turned deathly pale, frozen in place as if they were chilling cicadas, not daring to even take a breath.

They all understood, they had gotten themselves into a big mess, all of them.

Fixing his gaze on the dumbstruck Wang Meng, Ye Fan's eyes turned ice cold as he looked towards Liang Qiufeng, "Just now you were so arrogant, wanting to arrest me? Go ahead and make your move!"

Whoosh, whoosh!

Under Ye Fan's scrutiny, a chill ran from Liang Qiufeng's feet up to the crown of her head, causing her to stagger backwards involuntarily.

At this moment, in her eyes, Ye Fan was like a god descending to earth, capable of deciding her fate at any moment.

"Who are you? You... who are you really?"

Liang Qiufeng had always regarded Ye Fan as an insignificant figure, but she did not expect that because of him, the infamous ace squad, the Red Flame Army, would be alerted.

Seeing the shock on Liang Qiufeng's face, Ye Fan did not reply. Instead, he asked with a tone that brooked no argument, "Where are Ruo Xue and Ling'er?"

"Who are you really?" Liang Qiufeng was still too shocked to come back to her senses.


Ye Fan's face turned cold, and his right hand, fast as lightning, grasped Liang Qiufeng by the throat.

"I'm asking you one last time, where are Ruo Xue and Ling'er?"

His voice was chilling to the extreme, as if it came from the Nine Serenities Hell, making one shiver uncontrollably.

As the bone-chilling coldness assaulted her, Qiufeng's entire body jolted; she shivered and said, "They've been... been sent to the Jiang Family!"


Hearing Liang Qiufeng's answer, Ye Fan's expression changed drastically.

He was well aware that the Jiang Family had always wanted Ye Ling'er to be buried with them, and that today, he had personally slaughtered the Jiang Family's second lord, Jiang He, already having an irreconcilable vendetta with the Jiang Family.

If his wife Su Ruo Xue and Ye Ling'er had been sent to the Jiang Family at this time, it was no different than entering the Dragon Pool and Tiger's Den.

The next moment, Ye Fan said with a stern face, "Contact the Jiang Family!"

"Contact... the Jiang Family?" Liang Qiufeng was taken aback.

Ye Fan was furious, "Contact the Jiang Family immediately, or I won't hesitate to kill you right now!"

Hearing this, Liang Qiufeng felt her soul tremble; she could clearly feel the rampant killing intent emanating from Ye Fan.

If she did not contact the Jiang Family now, she feared she truly would have no place to be buried today.

"I will contact the Jiang Family, right now!"

Faced with impending disaster, Liang Qiufeng didn't dare to hesitate any longer. She took out Jiang Hong's phone number and immediately dialed it.

Meanwhile, within the Jiang Family's compound.

"Get in there!"

The beautiful Su Ruo Xue and Ye Ling'er were brought inside the Jiang Family's residence.

"Mmph! Mmmmm!"

Su Ruo Xue stumbled and fell to the ground; her mouth was gagged with a towel, rendering her unable to break free.

Watching her daughter Ye Ling'er's face grow paler, Su Ruoxue was on the verge of mental collapse, tears streaming down her face.

The butler quickly went to Jiang Hong, fawning, "Patriarch, this woman is Su Ruo Xue, Ye Fan's wife, and we've also brought back Ye Ling'er!"

"Good!" Jiang Hong nodded in satisfaction.

His brother Jiang He had died, and Jiang Hong was furious. He wished he could immediately execute Ye Fan to appease his brother's spirit in heaven.

Now that Ye Fan's wife and daughter were in the Jiang Family's hands, Jiang Hong believed that sooner or later, Ye Fan would come to them.

At that time, it would be the end of Ye Fan.

Then, Jiang Hong turned to a middle-aged man dressed in a yellow Taoist robe beside him and asked respectfully, "Master Song, are you sure that if this Ye Ling'er is sacrificed, my son Jiang Long will be born again into the Jiang Family in a few years?"

"Hahaha, Patriarch Jiang, rest assured. As long as this Ye Ling'er is sacrificed, I guarantee that a few years from now, Young Master Jiang Long will indeed be reborn into the Jiang Family!" The middle-aged man in the yellow Taoist robe laughed heartily as he stroked his beard.

His name was Song Qingyi, and he had been interested in divination and the I Ching from a young age. By his teens, he was called a Demi Immortal, and as he grew older, his reputation soared, earning him the title of Celestial Master Song.

This time, after Jiang Hong lost his son, the Jiang Family spared no expense in inviting Song Qingyi to come and divine the future.

It was also this Song Qingyi who insisted that Ye Ling'er be buried along with the dead, leading to the birth of this tragedy.

"Many thanks to Master Song, now that Master Song has spoken, I feel reassured!" Jiang Hong nodded.

Just then, the telephone rang.

Seeing the call was from Liang Qiufeng, Jiang Hong answered the phone without hesitation: "Sister-in-law!"

"Big... Big brother!"

From the other end of the phone, Liang Qiufeng's trembling voice came through.

Jiang Hong instinctively asked, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong? Have you found that little bastard Ye Fan's whereabouts?"

"Jiang Hong, you old dog!"

Suddenly, the tone shifted, and a bone-chilling cold voice resounded sharply.

Hearing this, Jiang Hong raised his eyebrows: "Who are you?"

"I am the person your Jiang Family is looking for, Ye Fan!" The cold voice rang out again.

"What? Ye Fan?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hong's old face changed, his eyes filled with rage, and he could no longer remain calm.

"You little bastard, my Jiang Family is searching the whole city for you, and I didn't expect you to dare deliver yourself to our doorstep. It seems you really don't want to live!"

Inside the Warzone Hospital, Ye Fan held the phone and spoke coldly: "It remains to be seen whether it's I who doesn't want to live or your Jiang Family that is courting self-destruction."

"Let me tell you, Liang Qiufeng is now in my hands. If you dare lay a finger on Ruoxue and Ling'er, I guarantee you will receive Liang Qiufeng's severed head!"

"Also, clean your neck and wait for me. I, Ye Fan, am coming!"

After saying that, Ye Fan hung up the phone.

"Damn it, damn it!!!"

Threatened over the phone by Ye Fan, Jiang Hong was nearly bursting with anger.

Ye Fan's wife and daughter had just been taken to the Jiang Family, and who could have anticipated his sister-in-law would fall into Ye Fan's hands so quickly.

Seeing that something was amiss, the housekeeper came over and asked in a low voice, "Patriarch, what should we do now?"

"Add more people for the search. Make a thorough sweep within the Central Plains Mainland, and be sure to drag Ye Fan out. I want to slaughter that little bastard with my own hands!"

Enraged and humiliated, as the head of the Jiang Family, Jiang Hong had never tolerated such threats.

After hanging up on Jiang Hong, Ye Fan looked at Liang Qiufeng who was pale with trembling all over, his gaze ice cold as he said: "Which hand did you use just now to pull out the breathing tube? And which hand did you use to hit Ruoxue?"

"I... I..."

Faced with Ye Fan's cold interrogation, Liang Qiufeng was completely flustered and dared not answer.

"Not talking, huh?"

A gleam of cold light burst from Ye Fan's eyes as his figure, ghostly and swift, approached Liang Qiufeng.

Rip rip—

In an instant, Liang Qiufeng's arms were severed, blood splattering everywhere.


Experiencing severe pain in her shoulders, Liang Qiufeng let out a pig-like scream.

After doing all this, Ye Fan remained expressionless: "Daring to harm my wife and daughter, breaking your arms is just a small interest payment!"


Seeing Ye Fan abruptly sever Liang Qiufeng's arms without so much as a word, Wang Meng and the others all gasped in shock.

Under Ye Fan's authoritative deterrence, they didn't dare to make a sound.

Looking at Liang Qiufeng's miserable state, Lin Wu showed no sympathy in his eyes as he asked, "God Ye, your wife and daughter are now at the Jiang Family, what are your plans for the next step?"

"Let's go, to the Jiang Family!" Ye Fan stated without hesitation.

"What? To the Jiang Family? God Ye, from what I know, the Jiang Family isn't as simple as it looks on the surface. Could such rash action be imprudent?"

Before coming to serve in the Central Plains War Zone, Lin Wu had briefly looked into the major noble clans and powerful families within the Plains, recognizing the Jiang Family as a super clan with profound and unfathomable resources.

Ye Fan clenched his fists, his gaze fiery as he said: "Ruoxue and Ling'er are still in dire straits, and with every second that passes, there's an added danger to them. It's urgent to go to the Jiang Family!"

"Even if the Jiang Family is a dragon pool and a tiger's den, I must venture there today! This is my duty as a husband and my obligation as a father!"

"Though against a myriad of foes, I shall proceed!"