Chapter 10: Challenging Celestial Master Song

Having said that, Ye Fan no longer hesitated, and turned to leave the Warzone Hospital.

Seeing Ye Fan depart, Zhang Dabiao, a battalion commander of the Red Flame Army, looked at Lin Wu and said, "Commander Lin, God Ye is in trouble, how can we stand by and watch?"

"Of course, we cannot stand by and watch!" Lin Wu said earnestly.

He remembered clearly, six years ago, when powerful foreign enemies attacked, the Heavenly Abode Country was defeated at every turn, and border towns fell one after another, shaking the entire nation.

If it hadn't been for Ye Fan's intervention during the crisis, who had slain the top six war gods from outside the domain, deterring a million-strong enemy army, the vast Heavenly Abode Country would probably have fallen into enemy territory long ago.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Wu made a significant decision.

The next second, Lin Wu sent out a message: God Ye is in trouble within the Central Plains, come quickly!

"What? God Ye is in trouble?"

No sooner had Lin Wu sent the message than the other major warzones of the Heavenly Abode Country received the news.

In the Western Warzone command center,

a middle-aged man stood up abruptly from his seat upon seeing the message, tearfully.

"God Ye, after six years, have you finally appeared?"

Immediately afterward, the middle-aged man said with resolute eyes, "Someone, pass my order, assemble the Battle Wolf Legion, all troops on alert!"

"What? Assemble the Battle Wolf Legion? Marshal, is our Western Warzone going into battle?" The deputy heard this, shock on his face.

The Battle Wolf Group was the most elite force in the Western Warzone; every warrior was a master among masters. They would never be easily mobilized unless there was a conflict.

What could have happened that required mobilizing the Battle Wolf Legion?

The middle-aged man immediately ordered, "No! God Ye is in trouble; assemble the Battle Wolf Legion and at all costs rush to the Central Plains!"

"God Ye is in trouble? Marshal, what do you mean? Is God Ye back?"

"Is it the same God Ye from back then?"

Upon hearing this, the deputy, his face full of shock, had been to the border war six years before and had personally witnessed the invincible grace of God Ye.

If it weren't for God Ye's timely arrival, deterring the Six Nations at the border, the entire Heavenly Abode Country would have been engulfed in carnage.

It was rumored that after their defeat, the Six Nations hated God Ye to the bone, not hesitating to gather their top experts to assassinate him.

On his return journey, God Ye was ambushed by the Six Nations' top experts but managed to kill them all with his own strength, striking terror into the nations.

Unfortunately, after that, God Ye's whereabouts vanished.

The ruler heard of this and mourned deeply!

Many thought God Ye had died; who could have predicted that six years later, God Ye would reappear and be in danger.

The middle-aged man affirmed, "That's right, the same God Ye from back then has returned! Depart, quickly head to the Central Plains!"

Meanwhile, War God Xiao Tiance from the Eastern Warzone became slightly distracted upon seeing the message.

Seconds later, War God Xiao Tiance's lips trembled, "God Ye, oh God Ye, have you finally returned?"

The border war six years prior had shaken the world; the name of God Ye was known universally.

For the high-ranking officials of the major warzones, the impact had been the most profound.

Afterward, Xiao Tiance stood up with a solemn expression and ordered, "Pass my command; assemble all special forces teams and reach the Central Plains at the fastest speed!"

"Assemble all special forces teams? War God, you're not joking, are you? Besides, the Central Plains isn't under our jurisdiction; shouldn't we notify the Central Plains War Zone before going?" The chief of staff, upon receiving the news, rushed to inquire.

War God Xiao Tiance commanded sternly, "Joking? Do you think I am making a joke with you? Transmit my military order!"


Seeing Xiao Tiance's solemn demeanor, the chief of staff didn't say anything further and quickly issued the orders.

At this moment, it wasn't only the Western Warzone and Eastern Warzone that were becoming restless, but the other warzones were also stirring.

"Cancel today's aircraft carrier exercise; assemble the warships and head to the Central Plains at full speed!"

"Cancel today's fighter jet drill, assemble all the fighter jets, and head rapidly to the Central Plains!"

"Assemble! Hurry and gather! To the Central Plains, to the Central Plains!"


In an instant, various warzones were abuzz, a large number of warships, fighter jets, and heavy trucks started up, all with the Central Plains as their marked destination.

Citizens within the borders of the Heavenly Abode Country were astounded!

What's happening?

Has there been another conflict at the borders?

Ye Fan remained oblivious that his very appearance had set all warzones across the Heavenly Abode Country into motion.

"Wow, what a grand procession! Which family head from a wealthy family is this?"

Ye Fan had just left the Warzone Hospital when he saw countless people on both sides of the road watching in awe.

Looking closely, he saw a convoy of expensive bulletproof Maybach vehicles clearing the way up front, with a gold-plated Rolls-Royce Phantom at the center, the spectacle was indeed majestic.

"Didn't you see the license plate? Middle A.88888, that's the vehicle of Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang Family!"

"The vehicle of Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang Family? My goodness, no wonder it's such a big deal; it turns out that Jiang Hong himself is inside!"

"Who said it's Jiang Hong? Song Qingyi, Celestial Master Song, is the one inside. Jiang Hong has just lost his son, and these past few days he let the motorcade ferry Celestial Master Song around to perform rituals!"

Celestial Master Song Qingyi?

Hearing these six words, the originally sullen-faced Ye Fan's rage erupted in an instant.

He knew that after the death of Jiang Long, the Young Master of the Jiang Family, Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang Family, had summoned a fortune teller, who was none other than this Song Qingyi.

According to what Ye Fan knew, among the many girls born on the exact same year, month, day, and time, Song Qingyi specifically named Ye Ling'er to be buried alongside the deceased.

Enemies meeting, their fury unmistakable.

He had not gone seeking trouble with this Song Qingyi, yet Song Qingyi had the audacity to come to him.

Had it not been for this Song Qingyi, Ye Ling'er would not have suffered a murderous fate.

"Tsk tsk, earning money is just too easy these days!"

Inside the golden Rolls-Royce Phantom, Celestial Master Song Qingyi was holding a cheque for thirty million, his face brimming with smiles.

Since he was young, he had a deep fascination with feng shui, fortune telling, and the I Ching. Leveraging these arts, he had garnered quite a reputation for himself.

This time, after Jiang Hong lost his son and came to him, he was instructed to target Ye Fan's daughter, Ye Ling'er, which led to Jiang Hong taking his words seriously, thereby filling Song Qingyi's pockets to the brim.


Suddenly, the Rolls-Royce Phantom came to a screeching halt, nearly causing Song Qingyi's head to smash against the back of the front seat.

"What are you good for? How do you drive?"

After steadying himself, Song Qingyi, livid with rage, shouted fiercely at the driver.

The driver hurriedly explained, "Celestial Master Song, I...I didn't do it on purpose, someone is blocking our way up front!"

"Someone is blocking our way? Audacious, who dares to be so bold?" Song Qingyi fumed.

He was riding in the vehicle of Jiang Hong, the head of the Jiang Family, representing the supreme authority of the Jiangs.

To dare intercept the vehicle of Jiang Hong, did this person have a death wish?

"Has this guy gone mad? He dares to block the Jiang Family's convoy?"

On both sides of the road, the many onlookers were shocked upon seeing Ye Fan boldly stepping out to block the convoy's path, causing their eyelids to twitch incessantly.

At that moment, Ye Fan's eyes were sharp as a hawk's. He targeted the central Rolls-Royce Phantom with a fierce, murderous gaze and bellowed:

"Celestial Master Song, you've got some nerve, daring to instigate the Jiang Family to have my daughter sacrificed for Jiang Long!"

"Now get out and face your death immediately!!!"