Chapter 21: Little Handsome, Thank You

Seeing the beautiful woman wake up, the Station Chief was immediately overjoyed.

"Ms. Li!"

The Station Chief quickly helped the beautiful woman to her feet.

Li Peishan, who had just "come back to life," was somewhat disoriented, and the Station Chief helped her to a chair.

Li Peishan appeared weak and lacked energy; Zhang Xiaofan took her pulse, and found that her body was no longer in critical condition.

With some good rest and proper care at home, she should make a full recovery.

Zhang Xiaofan guessed that Li Peishan's sudden cardiac arrest was likely caused by low blood sugar.

Because low blood sugar, combined with overexertion, is one of the main causes of sudden cardiac arrest.

"Chief Gao, what happened to me just now?"

Li Peishan asked weakly.

"Ms. Li, you suddenly collapsed while standing, then I felt your breathing weaken, and when I checked your pulse, it had stopped, which scared me to death."