Chapter 22 The richest beauty

Locked in the detention room with iron bars, Zhang Xiaofan felt very oppressed.

He had expended a lot of energy rescuing Li Peishan just now, and his body was somewhat tired, and he had wanted to sleep for a while.

But once he was actually confined in this small room, Zhang Xiaofan's drowsiness suddenly vanished.

A sense of suffocation and oppression disturbed his desire to sleep.

Through the bars of the detention room, looking at the lights outside the window, Zhang Xiaofan found them to be particularly glaring.

"Click! Click!"

At that moment, very rhythmic footsteps could be heard in the corridor.

The sounds grew closer and when they reached Zhang Xiaofan's detention room, they stopped.

Zhang Xiaofan looked up.

"Director Gao, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Director Gao's smiling face, Zhang Xiaofan was somewhat surprised, but his feeling of isolation disappeared.

Director Gao opened the iron bar door of the detention room and then walked in.