Chapter 133 "The Real Culprit

"Okay, there's another thing I have to tell you, there's no place to take a bath," Zhang Xiaofan said as he stood up and began clearing away the dishes and chopsticks.

"That won't do, I've been sweating all day, I must take a bath," Miao Yuchen protested, unable to conceal a look of disappointment. As someone who typically valued cleanliness, be it winter or summer, she showered daily without fail.

This news—that there would be no opportunity to bathe—clearly troubled her. Zhang Xiaofan, who couldn't stand to see a woman distressed, promptly offered, "If you need to bathe, you can do it at my place first."

"But I should let you know in advance—the amenities aren't what you might expect," he added.

"It's fine by me, as long as I can shower," Miao Yuchen responded, her previous rural life having acquainted her with such conditions; she neither scorned nor felt uncomfortable with them.