Chapter 134: What's Wrong with a Hug?

Zhang Xiaofan thought it was a bad light bulb, but when he went to turn on other lights, they didn't come on either.

This was puzzling.

So, he called Zhou Degui.

As it turned out, Zhou Degui told him the village committee's lines were aging, some had already broken, and they wouldn't be fixed until tomorrow.

Things just got interesting.

"Um, Doctor Miao, the wiring here is broken and the lights won't come on. Do you think it's okay to use a kerosene lamp?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked Miao Yuchen.


A look of hesitation flashed across Miao Yuchen's face.

The village committee office in Shitou Village did not look like what she had imagined; it was dilapidated.

And it stood alone, with no neighboring houses, making it exceptionally quiet and isolated.

Now, with no lights at all, although she was a doctor and usually very brave, the place was still in the mountains, inside a village.

Being a girl, she was bound to feel some fear.