Chapter 7: Today, I'll let you taste my power!

"You all go and search separately, if we can't find the person today, no one is allowed to go back!"

In Canglong Village, Yupan stood with her hands on her hips, commanding a group of the Zhang Family's people, while simultaneously drawing the attention of the neighboring villagers. Everyone was discussing what could have possibly happened to cause the Zhang Family to make such a big fuss!

But who could have imagined that Yupan was going through all this trouble just to find the village's simpleton, Erniu?

At the moment, Erniu was also feeling quite troubled, he had not expected that his sister-in-law's words would actually come true.

This couldn't go on, the Zhang Family members had already begun to split up and take action, and if he stayed, it would only be a matter of time before he was discovered.

No, he had to run!

However, just as Erniu sneaked out the door, the eagle-eyed Yupan spotted this familiar silhouette.

"Eh? Brother Erniu!"

A shout that sounded almost like a call for his soul made Erniu break out in a cold sweat.

Without daring to look back, Erniu immediately made a dash for the outskirts of the village, oiling his heels. Seeing this, Yupan immediately disregarded everything else, dropped the crowd, and chased after him, shouting while in pursuit, "Brother Erniu, why are you hiding from me!"

"I... I don't want to hide from you! But my sister-in-law said that I can't marry you! I think it's better for you to let me be!" Erniu glanced back and, to his surprise, found that Yupan had actually followed by herself, so he had no choice but to keep running and explain.

Yupan shouted back, "I don't care! I've already said that I will follow you wherever you go. I've set my mind on you for life. Anyway, I'll only be your wife, and I'll only let Brother Erniu 'do' me!"

Erniu felt bitter inside, but it was a bitterness he couldn't express.

As for Yupan, a great beauty, of course, Erniu was very happy to "do" her, but when it came to the matter of a wife, Erniu wanted his sister-in-law to be his wife even more, so he had no choice but to hide from Yupan.

"Ah! Brother Erniu!"

Just at that moment, Erniu suddenly heard a shout from behind him. Turning his head, he saw that Yupan had fallen to the ground!

This was a great opportunity to shake her off, Erniu thought to slip away once and for all, but seeing Yupan, a woman, hurt, he couldn't bring himself to do it. After hesitating for a while, he finally sighed and went back.

"Are you... are you alright?"

Erniu approached Yupan and asked with concern.

Yupan looked up with an angry face, "Go on, run! Weren't you going to run? Why aren't you running now?"

"I... if you're not chasing, of course I'm not running."

Seeing Erniu's somewhat guilty look, Yupan humphed coldly and turned her head away.

Erniu didn't care much, instead, he squatted down to check Yupan's injury and found that it was just a little skin graze, nothing serious, but Yupan's leg was sprained, and she probably wouldn't be able to walk for the time being.

"Come on up, I know there's a temple nearby, I'll take you there to get treated."

Erniu turned his back to Yupan, indicating for her to climb on, planning to take her away from this place first. Otherwise, if the Zhang Family caught up later, things would surely escalate, and he didn't want his sister-in-law to find out about this incident.

Seeing Erniu actually offering a helping hand made the corners of Yupan's mouth lift uncontrollably, "That's more like it!"

As she climbed onto his back, Yupan held on tightly to Erniu, and he couldn't help but feel the softness pressing against his back. Especially when he picked up Yupan's two smooth legs, he inwardly praised the silky smooth touch of her skin.

What a pity! All touch, but no "doing"!

Soon, Erniu, with Yupan on his back, arrived at an old temple outside the village.

The temple had been long neglected and was no longer visited by worshippers, which meant almost no one came here.

Erniu put Yupan down on the ground and lifted her floral skirt to treat her injury.

But staring at her pale, tender legs, Erniu couldn't help but swallow, thinking about how just yesterday he had only glanced at them briefly. Now that these legs were right before him, he realized they felt as smooth and firm as an egg when touched.

Seeing Erniu gaping, Yupan pursed her lips in a smile and boldly propped her leg on Erniu's shoulder, "Brother Erniu, do you like what you see?"

This immediately sent Erniu's blood racing.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Didn't Erniu Brother say he'd treat me? How come you can't take it anymore?" Zhang Yupan said with a smile that was not quite a smile.

Erniu was embarassed yet amused; this woman truly did as she pleased.

At this moment, Erniu couldn't care less about anything else. He circulated the Dragon God Formula in his mind and eased Zhang Yupan's injuries, starting from her ankle and moving up her calf. A warm current emerged from the palm of Erniu's hand, making Zhang Yupan tense her legs and let out a slight gasp of pleasure.

"Erniu Brother, you're making me feel so good!"

"If it feels good, then that's good."

Erniu rubbed and massaged Zhang Yupan's calf, which felt as soft as a block of tofu, seeming as if it would crumble with just a bit more force.

But Erniu didn't hold back, making Zhang Yupan breathe heavily.

Erniu's heart had already begun to ripple as he listened to her breaths, and his body felt uncomfortably hot.

"That should do it, try and see if you can walk now."

" soon?"

Zhang Yupan clearly wanted more, but little did she know that Erniu was on the brink of losing control.

After trying to stand and take a few steps, Zhang Yupan found she really could walk. She immediately hugged Erniu. "Erniu Brother, you're incredible! Just like a miracle doctor, you cured me so simply!"

Erniu, afraid he might lose control, quickly pushed Zhang Yupan away, "All right, then hurry up and go home, and stop messing around."

"Erniu Brother, why do you dislike whatever I do? Haven't I been good to you?" Zhang Yupan furrowed her brows.

"'s not that I dislike you, it's just that I can't be with you."


Erniu scratched his head and finally admitted, "To tell you the truth, the person I really like is my sister-in-law. She's always been good to me, and I just want her to be my wife and live with her."

"What?" Zhang Yupan was somewhat incredulous, "You want your sister-in-law to be your wife? How is that possible!"

"Why is it not possible?"

Erniu frowned; this was something he had always been fantasizing about.

Zhang Yupan, however, thought Erniu was just making up an excuse to get rid of her and said discontentedly, "I don't believe it! I'm way prettier than your sister-in-law. How could you possibly like her?"

Even Erniu admitted that was true, but when it came to affection, good looks were just icing on the cake.

Jiang Li had always taken care of him, not despising him for being a fool. Over that time spent together, Erniu had grown to be unable to part from his sister-in-law Jiang Li. And now that she was a widow, she'd need someone to accompany her eventually, right?

Erniu just wanted to be by his sister-in-law's side forever, cherishing her.

And so, Erniu told Zhang Yupan everything in his heart.

He had thought Zhang Yupan would let the matter go gracefully, but after listening, she said, "Even if that's true, what about it? I don't mind you living with your sister-in-law and me. I've decided I'm sticking with you, no matter what."

"How can that be okay!?" Now it was Erniu's turn to be shocked. wasn't the time of ancient polygamy where one could live with multiple spouses.

Even if he wanted that, his sister-in-law might not agree, right?

"Why can't it be okay? Three people living together is better than me being alone! I don't want to be a widow untouched by a man my whole life. Besides, I'm not necessarily worse than your sister-in-law in any way, Erniu Brother, you haven't even tried it out!"

"Skills? What skills?"

Before Erniu could understand, Zhang Yupan suddenly reached out to undo the buttons at her collar, revealing her impressive assets, "What do you think, Erniu Brother? I'll let you taste just how good I am today, no matter what!"