Chapter 8: Zhang Yupan's Intentions

"What... what are you doing!"

Seeing this, Erniu almost had a nosebleed. This woman was too unrestrained!

However, before Erniu could regain his senses, Yupan had already pounced on him and pinned him down to the ground. The little face hanging before him, flushed with a hint of red, was utterly seductive. As she slightly parted her red lips, warm breath was sprayed all over Erniu's face.

"Erniu, it's just the two of us here now. Let me take good care of you today. Whether we do it now or later, it's all the same. Once you've tasted me, Erniu, you'll definitely be unable to leave me."

"You want to do it here?" Erniu swallowed hard, his body burning with heat.

Goodness... Yupan was much wilder than he had imagined. No man could resist this!

At this moment, Yupan's eyes were gradually becoming hazy, and the next second, she kissed Erniu on the mouth.

A slippery tongue pushed past Erniu's teeth and plunged into his mouth. The fragrance filling his nostrils made Erniu forget everything else; he was now overwhelmed by passion and started to intertwine with Yupan right there in the temple.

Their breaths mingled, battling for several rounds, and the discomfort Yupan had suppressed for so long was finally released. Reveling in Erniu's wildness, her eyes suddenly widened as if she were in the Blissful Realm.

Erniu's performance was highly satisfying to Yupan.

After all, she didn't know how long it had been since she last tasted a man. Now Erniu had let her experience a woman's pleasure all over again. At this moment, she wanted to die in Erniu's arms, not wishing him to leave her side at all.

In front of the destitute deity, the two silhouettes were entwined tightly, their breaths echoing throughout the temple.

In the blink of an eye, several hours had passed.

Yupan was now drenched in fragrant sweat, panting and nestled in Erniu's embrace. Looking at Erniu, he was sweaty but hardly fatigued. If it weren't for Yupan's inability to continue, he wouldn't have wanted to stop.

"My Erniu, you... you almost killed me. I never thought you were so powerful..."

Yupan was now speaking breathlessly, her eyes nearly losing focus.

You must understand, she was quite skilled in that regard. Although her previous husbands had met with misfortune, in reality, they were drained by her, none able to truly satisfy her as Erniu had, making her admit defeat willingly.

Now, the tables had turned, and she couldn't withstand Erniu's onslaught.

But little did Yupan know, Erniu had always been exceptionally capable. Now having absorbed the Dragon Ball, with desire surging and nowhere to release it, he was certainly not someone she could easily conquer.

At this moment, Erniu was just getting warmed up. One Yupan was no match for him. Erniu even wanted to have a few more to quell his immense desire.

Erniu looked at Yupan in his arms, her delicate body seemingly fragile, and he felt a bit itchy inside.

"How about another round?"

"Er... Erniu, give me a moment to rest first! I'm already yours now and can't run away," Yupan gasped for breath, feebly pleading as she felt Erniu's increasingly hotter breath.

Erniu laughed: "It seems your abilities aren't as great as you claimed!"

"That's because it's been too long since someone did it with me! And you've tossed me around so hard, how could I take it? You bully me like this, just wait until I regain my strength, I definitely won't spare you, Erniu!" Yupan retorted with feigned anger.

Even though she said that, Zhang Yupan was still happy at heart. After all, it's not easy to find a man who can handle her. Just thinking of a future without such a man to "tame" her frightened her, and she couldn't bear to imagine the emptiness that would ensue.

"Erniu, after this time, I feel like I've made up my mind," she said.

"What have you figured out?"

With her delicate fingers tracing circles on Erniu's chest, Zhang Yupan said, "Now that you've utterly conquered me, only you, Brother Erniu, can bring me joy. Even if you're marrying your sister-in-law, I still must follow you. Marry two wives if needed. If it really doesn't work out, I'll suffer a bit and let her be the main wife; I'll be the concubine, as long as I can be with you."

Having fully experienced Erniu's prowess, Zhang Yupan realized she loved this man in front of her even more. She couldn't live without him. The idea of a ménage à trois might've been a joke at first, but now, Yupan was truly serious.

"But how can I possibly marry two wives..." Erniu scratched his head with a troubled look. As much as he didn't dislike the idea, especially after tasting Yupan's wild side, which he couldn't bear to let go, how could he get past the sister-in-law situation?

Such a difficult dilemma!

Seeing Erniu's distress, Yupan made a bold concession, "Then... I'll just do without any status. That should be fine, right?"

"What? Are you serious?"

Erniu was shocked upon hearing these words. Was Yupan really willing to follow him this way? She didn't care about status anymore!

In the village, a woman's social standing was incredibly important. Without status, Zhang Yupan would forever be a widow. Even if she considered herself married to Erniu in her heart, she would not escape being gossiped about later on.

This indeed showed how inseparable Yupan was from Erniu; otherwise, she wouldn't have mustered such courage.

"If Brother Erniu finds it too difficult, then I don't need any status. I'm already used to being a widow anyway. What scares me more is the absence of a woman's happiness later on. But if Brother Erniu is by my side, I can do without everything else."

After all, status was just an illusion to her; the true substance lay in the joy of their intimate embrace.

Upon hearing Yupan's words, Erniu was profoundly moved. No woman had ever said such things to him. If not for the lingering thoughts about his sister-in-law, Erniu would have married Yupan right away.

"Alright, I promise you. Whenever you want me, I will 'tame' you."

"Really? You can't go back on your word, Brother Erniu!"

Yupan was immediately overjoyed, her beautiful eyes gleaming with excitement. As Erniu gazed at the stunning Yupan in his arms, he couldn't resist and kissed her. The couple kissed passionately, their bodies pressed together, heating up rapidly,

Yupan, too, regained her energy at that moment, and she wrapped her arms around Erniu's neck, alluringly whispering, "Brother Erniu, hurry! Let's do it again. This time I'll definitely make sure you get your fill!"

"Alright, this is on you!"

Erniu was now also aroused and ready to satiate Yupan's insatiable desire.

But before they could get to the main event, suddenly a figure appeared outside the door.

"Er... Erniu! What are you doing here?"

The sudden interruption took both Erniu and Yupan by surprise.

Turning around, Erniu saw that it was Chen Yufeng, the village convenience store owner!