Chapter 9: Happier Than Two People

Ever since she had been caught entwined with the village chief Zeng Haifeng that night, Chen Yufeng hadn't slept well for several days, after all, she had witnessed Zeng Haifeng accidentally killing someone, she also bore half the responsibility for the incident.

With no other choice, as the temple in Canglong Village had been reduced to ruins, Chen Yufeng thought that a temple was a temple nonetheless, and went there to pray, hoping for some peace of mind—she only hoped that the deceased wouldn't trouble her.

But who would have thought that upon her arrival, she would witness such an absurd scene.

Erniu hadn't expected Chen Yufeng to show up there either.

"Erniu, who's that?" Zhang Yupan saw someone coming, and it was a woman, she wasn't worried at all about being seen, instead, she asked Erniu in a relaxed manner, obviously the two were from the same village.

"You... You..."

Chen Yufeng looked at Erniu and Zhang Yupan, both of them practically naked, and immediately her face turned red with embarrassment. Especially when she saw Erniu's muscular build; she couldn't take her eyes off him, nearly forgetting how long it had been since she had tasted a young man.

In the village, she had mostly been with old men who lacked vitality and boasted empty bravado, Chen Yufeng was never truly satisfied, including the night her encounter was interrupted, she hadn't been with anyone for several days and was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Chen Yufeng wished she were in Erniu's arms instead.

Although a bit flustered at first, Erniu quickly understood Chen Yufeng's breathless state of mind.

He was still holding a grudge about that night's events. If it hadn't been for his luck, he would've been killed by a rock thrown by village chief Zeng Haifeng. Chen Yufeng was also an accomplice, and he couldn't let her off this time!

Erniu then lifted his hand and beckoned to Chen Yufeng.

"It's no fun just watching, why don't you come and try?"

"You... What are you talking about, silly Erniu! How can you two do such things in a temple? If people were to find out..."

Chen Yufeng remembered that silly Erniu used to be all talk with no courage, but now, to her surprise, he was seducing women, and he directly invited her to join them. Although she was itching to participate, she dared not admit it so candidly.

Zhang Yupan didn't mind the threesome, in fact, she was excited at the prospect; she had never tried such a thing before!

"What's wrong with a temple, do you have something to hide?" Erniu sneered. This woman had even played around in the reed marshes, and now she was pretending to be virtuous? He clearly remembered how she used to tease him.

Chen Yufeng's face flushed red from Erniu's words.

"Who... Who said that! I cannot afford to lose face like this! If you want to fool around, then do it by yourselves, I'm not joining your fun!"

"Afraid it's too late to leave now, isn't it?"

Erniu wasn't about to let Chen Yufeng walk away from this perfect opportunity. He quickly activated the secret technique 'Mesmerization Technique' from the Dragon God Formula, his eyes capturing the soul in a way that heightens the viewer's desires, rendering them helpless.

Erniu could operate the Dragon God Formula in his mind with ease, even employing the secret techniques for the first time as if they were second nature.

It only took a moment of eye contact with Chen Yufeng for the Mesmerization Technique to take effect.

Chen Yufeng's body jolted, followed by an unbearable heat, her eyes now hazed with desire, the urge to be taken rose sharply within her, especially as she looked at Erniu's muscular body, she was completely unable to control herself.

The next second, Chen Yufeng took the initiative to walk towards Erniu.

Zhang Yupan watched in amazement, wondering how this woman had suddenly changed her mind?

Chen Yufeng herself felt strange, suddenly overwhelmed with discomfort, as if she had been drugged, feeling like if she didn't let Erniu have his way with her, she might suffer unbearably.

At that moment, only one thought was left in Chen Yufeng's mind.

"Good Erniu, I... I've changed my mind, why don't you take a turn with me, I can't stand this feeling anymore!" Chen Yufeng panted heavily, cupping Erniu's face, but just as she leaned in for a kiss, she was stopped by a large hand.

With Chen Yufeng's neck in his grip, Erniu spoke with interest, "No rush, I need to air out some grievances first."


"Erniu, what do you plan to do with this woman?" asked Yupan with a giggle from the side, finding it quite interesting and wanting to see how Erniu would punish the deceitful Chen Yufeng.

At that moment, Erniu laughed and said, "You'll know soon."

Soon the temple was filled with the sound of smacking, accompanied by Chen Yufeng's pleas for mercy.

"Ouch! Ouch! It hurts to death, my dear Erniu, please spare me, do whatever you want with me later, alright? I want you to hurry up and do it now! I can't stand this anymore!"

Seeing Chen Yufeng's red, spanked flesh, Erniu also felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

"Didn't you say earlier that you couldn't handle the shame?"

"I... I misspoke, I actually really want you to do it, please do me now!"

Chen Yufeng, in pain, collapsed on the ground, now completely without her earlier duplicity, just wanting to release herself fully and unrestrainedly.

In her eyes now, there was nothing of the temple's gods or Buddhas, only Erniu.

Seeing Chen Yufeng's sincere attitude, Erniu finally stopped and, grabbing Chen Yufeng's lotus-like arms, turned to the method that Chen Yufeng was longing for to vent his anger, leaving Chen Yufeng breathless, her panting even more intense than Yupan's.

Erniu had fantasized countless times about Chen Yufeng in this state, and today his cravings were finally satisfied.

Thinking about how he could only watch in the past and not touch, Erniu became even more energized.

"Good Erniu, you're so amazing, I can hardly take it!"

Chen Yufeng hadn't felt such an intense and satisfying sensation for a long time; her fair, smooth legs couldn't stop shaking.

If she had known earlier that Erniu was so capable, why would she have bothered with Zeng Haifeng? Compared to Erniu, that Zeng Haifeng was just an old yellow bull that couldn't plow, and even if for the rest of her life she was only done by Erniu, she would be willing.

But Chen Yufeng probably never expected that the very person who had caught her and Zeng Haifeng in their affair that night was Erniu himself, the one doing her now.

Yupan, watching on the side, felt an itch in her heart as she saw Erniu and Chen Yufeng entwined; the urge she had previously interrupted was now aroused again, "Erniu, you can't just care about her alone, I want to be done by you too."

For a while, Erniu was occupied with both, their panting overlapping each other.

Many would surely be envious of such a scene.

Looking at the two women indulging in pleasure, Erniu was very pleased with himself.

Would he have ever dared to imagine such a scene in the past? Nowadays, not only are there plenty of women competing to be done by him, but they are also the covetable, promiscuous ones that other men envy. If the men of the village knew, they would probably be green with jealousy.

With this thought, Erniu felt a surge of energy and grew even stronger.


"My Erniu, why are you suddenly being so forceful? Did I... did I do something wrong to anger you?" said Chen Yufeng while her heart swelled with contentment, having longed to be done just like this.

Erniu caught on to her expression and showed no mercy as he breached her last line of defense. Chen Yufeng tightened her throat and went silent. After ten long seconds, she weakly collapsed to the ground.

Looking at Chen Yufeng's satisfied state, Yupan felt a mix of itchiness and shock.

To think that she would want a man like Erniu all to herself was simply delusional.

Even with both taking turns, they would probably not be enough for Erniu. Yupan felt fortunate for her wise decision. Otherwise, she alone could never capture Erniu's heart.

After all, this man was indeed too terrifying!
