Chapter 266 Amusing

Upon hearing Zhao Tiezhu's words, a bead of cold sweat slid down Secretary Wu's forehead.

Clenching his teeth, Secretary Wu spoke, "What's wrong with me? What problem could I have? I'm known to all for my upright and honest conduct!"

"This time, it was clearly you who barged into my house and injured my son, causing him to be in the ICU right now, his life hanging by a thread!"

"Zhao Tiezhu, it's obviously you who are twisting the truth!"

Having said this, Secretary Wu turned his head and said to the police officer, "Officer, you see, this scoundrel doesn't give a damn about you, sitting there spouting nonsense!"

"You absolutely must not let him go!"

Just as the police officer was about to say something in response to Secretary Wu's words, Zhao Tiezhu's voice came drifting over again.

"Some people just refuse to see the truth until they hit rock bottom, not shedding a tear until they see the coffin!"

"Since you refuse to spill the beans, let me help you out!"