Chapter 267: Don't Think I Don't Know

The officer's body trembled all over, as if frozen in place, not daring to move a muscle. If one looked closely, they could see that his entire body was slightly quivering.

Moreover, the frequency of his trembling was particularly high, indicating an extreme state of fear.

Turning one's gaze toward Secretary Wu, who was sitting in the chair, it was apparent that he had been completely dumbfounded by the situation.

Honestly, in all his time as village secretary, the biggest deal Secretary Wu had ever encountered was, in fact, with this officer, he had never seen anything bigger than that.

But now, the County Head had personally come over!

This had scared Secretary Wu stiff.

At that moment, Secretary Wu sat motionless, his eyes filled with terror and confusion.

He couldn't understand why people whom he would rarely have the chance to meet in his lifetime would suddenly show up, and not just one person, but a group of them.