Chapter 1: The Goddess Around Me

Early morning, Lin Yi slowly woke up.

The outside light was bright, and it was already well past sunrise.

He expertly threw off the covers, intending to get out of bed.

But Lin Yi was startled because he suddenly found a jade arm resting on his chest.

This slender arm was like white jade, flawless and perfect.

The delicate skin against Lin Yi's body felt like the world's most exquisite silk, its cool touch sending his imagination running wild.

After a brief stupor, Lin Yi jumped out of bed.

His mind was in chaos, somewhat at a loss.

Rubbing his temples forcefully, Lin Yi finally remembered last night's events.

"Damn it, drunk and disorderly, what am I going to do now?"

Lin Yi's mind raced, he had only gone to the bar to drown his sorrows after a breakup last night.

But once he started drinking, he couldn't stop, and he vaguely remembered he was so drunk he couldn't even walk properly.

It was a kindhearted girl who helped him to a nearby hotel to stay.

After that, he couldn't remember anything, and the woman lying in the bed before him was most likely the girl who had helped him.

What on earth had he done?

Lin Yi looked at himself, completely naked.

And the woman on the bed seemed to be without her undergarments as well.

Just a little thought, and Lin Yi roughly had an answer.

Feeling guilty, he carefully searched the bed for his clothes.

After covering himself briefly, Lin Yi found his trousers pressed under the woman's lower leg.

Helplessly, he carefully held the woman's ankle, planning to lift it so he could retrieve his trousers.

As his hand held the woman's ankle, feeling its springy touch, he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander again.

"Sinful, sinful," Lin Yi chanted in his mind as he quickly pulled out his trousers.

Before he had time to put down the woman's ankle, she was awakened by Lin Yi's actions from her sleep.

Three seconds later, a scream sharp enough to pierce eardrums rang out.

Lin Yi looked towards the woman on the bed in panic; she had already retreated under the covers, leaving only her large eyes flickering with fear as they scanned the surroundings.

Lin Yi hurriedly put on his trousers. Extending his hand awkwardly, he tried to soothe the woman's emotions.

"Beautiful, don't yell, let's talk this over," he said.

Right then, Lin Yi could feel aches all over his body.

It was evident that he had indeed overexerted himself last night.

It was unfortunate for this woman, who had kindly helped him only to be taken advantage of by him...

"Sigh!" Lin Yi sighed, wanting to take responsibility for this woman.

The woman rustled as she dressed under the covers, and finally, her face came into view before Lin Yi.

The moment her face was revealed, Lin Yi, who had a bunch to say, was suddenly speechless.

What kind of face was this?!

Fair skin with a hint of blush, a pair of eyes that looked pitiful and at the same time revealed toughness.

Below the eyes was a small and refined nose.

Below the nose were soft, beautiful lips that didn't lack definition.

Only at this moment, the lipstick on her mouth was smeared a bit messily.

Stray wisps of hair on her forehead were messily spread out, which instead of making her look unkempt, gave off a lazy vibe.

"Are you still looking, turn around!" she exclaimed.

The woman's angry voice startled Lin Yi from his daze.

"Okay, okay, I'm turning around now," Lin Yi quickly complied, fearing the woman might be further agitated.

The woman behind him was getting dressed, and Lin Yi sighed as he explained, "About last night, it wasn't intentional, but don't worry, I'll take responsibility."

That was his true inner thought, after all, he was a man.

Having made a mistake in a moment of impulse the night before, he had to take responsibility for his actions.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the woman's voice came through like a startled oriole.

"Last night? Just pretend nothing happened! We're all adults here, you don't need to play the good, responsible man act."

Lin Yi was stunned,"Uh..."

The woman's words left him speechless.

He hadn't expected the seemingly frail woman to utter such strong words.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, realizing that his own thoughts were indeed naive, as both of them had acted on impulse the night before.

Neither party knew each other, so how could they possibly get along right away?

Even if the two were to pay for their impulsiveness by starting a relationship, such a malformed romance was unlikely to last.

From this perspective, the woman's thinking was much more mature than Lin Yi's.

Lin Yi continued, "So, see, do you need me to do anything for you?"

He genuinely wanted to make amends, but he couldn't think of an appropriate way to do so.

"Compensation? Do you think that will help?" her words made Lin Yi feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving, let's pretend last night never happened!"

After saying this, the woman headed towards the room's door.

Lin Yi felt a bit of discomfort, yet he didn't quite dare to face the woman directly.

The sound of the door opening echoed, but the woman didn't leave right away.

"You, turn your head!" the woman's voice reached Lin Yi's ears.

Lin Yi's body tensed, and he slowly turned his head.

The woman's eyes were sharp as knives, deeply embedding Lin Yi's image into her memory.

Then she slammed the door and left.

Lin Yi's tensed nerves relaxed, "What on earth is all this!"

As he searched the bed for his belongings, the moment he lifted the covers, Lin Yi's hand froze. He wasn't foolish, he understood.

"Damn, I've made a huge mistake," Lin Yi felt endless compassion for the woman.

"No, I can't just let her go like this. I wonder if last night's bar surveillance caught her face."

Last night, Lin Yi had gone to the bar alone to drown his sorrows.

The reason was rather melodramatic, his recently ex-girlfriend had taken up with a rich man, and he had walked in on them.

She had broken up with him because of rumors that Lin Yi's father's company was about to go bankrupt, prompting her to end things quickly.

But in fact, Lin Yi's father did face a cash flow problem, which was resolved fairly soon after.

Yet Lin Yi couldn't understand how his ex-girlfriend, who he was still upset about breaking up with, could have found someone else so quickly.

His serious girlfriend turned out to be so mercenary, inevitably leaving Lin Yi heartbroken.

It was just one trip to the bar to drown his sorrows that unintentionally led to a one-night stand.

While Lin Yi was rummaging for his belongings, he suddenly spotted a student ID.

The ID wasn't his, it belonged to the woman who had just left.

"She's a university student too?"

Lin Yi was pleasantly surprised by the student ID. With this in hand, he wouldn't worry about not being able to find her!