Chapter 8: Talking about Marriage and Matchmaking

Lin Yi's mother said with a cheerful smile, "Please enjoy your meal at your leisure, Mr. Lin and Ms. Han Xue. We just finished breakfast with Vivi, so just a few signature dishes will suffice."

"Waiter, please add a serving of vegetables."

Ms. Han nodded without much formality and, after exchanging pleasantries, went straight to the topic at hand—wedding talks and marriage discussions.

"Lin Yi's mom, I really want to know what your family thinks about this matter. The kids have reached this stage, and I'm curious how you plan to arrange things?"

Han Xuewei's mother was the first to speak, her gaze sweeping over Lin Yi.

This young man had made a favorable initial impression: poised yet shrewd, a dependable sort of person.

"Ms. Han, first of all, we are very grateful that your family has raised such an exceptional daughter-in-law for us. You don't need to worry at all, I really like Vivi. If they want to live by themselves after marriage, I wholeheartedly approve."

"If they want to live with us, we welcome that too. As long as Vivi is happy, we have no objections. Vivi is pregnant with triplets, and she definitely won't be able to manage on her own."

"When the time comes, we'll take care of the nanny and baby formula, and we absolutely won't let Vivi be wronged."

"Besides, our son is here, and I see him as a responsible person. I believe he will also treat Vivi well."

Lin Yi's mother eagerly put forth her sincerity.

"Auntie, please rest assured that as long as I'm here, I absolutely won't let Vivi suffer the slightest grievance," Lin Yi promised as he stood up.

They had reached the stage of discussing marriage, so they were practically family. His wife and children would, of course, need his protection.

Furthermore, his wife was famously the school beauty, talented and beautiful, gentle and caring towards him—a rare find. If he didn't treat her well, who else would he treat well?

Han Xuewei's cheeks reddened slightly and her heart swelled with sweetness. She cast a loving glance at Lin Yi.

Ms. Han observed all this and let out a small sigh of relief in her heart. After a glance at Lin Yi and his parents, her worried mind was finally at ease.

Still, there were questions in her mind that needed to be asked.

She inquired, "What about their marriage home?"

Lin Yi smiled confidently and said, "Auntie, I have already purchased the marriage home. It's in the central Xiangcheng City, in Fragrant Osmanthus Gardens, about 400 square meters. Even if our parents move in, there should be enough space."

"If Vivi doesn't like it and wants to buy a new one, that's also an option."

"Our family has a car, and when we get married, we'll buy a new one."

Upon hearing this, Ms. Han was pleased. The young man's family was reliable, with both a car and a home, and their financial strength was quite good. Most importantly, the in-laws seemed easy to get along with.

As long as they had the approval of her parents-in-law and found a husband who would dote on her daughter, her daughter's life would be settled and stable.

Ms. and Mr. Han exchanged a look, both very satisfied with the marriage arrangement.

As long as their daughter was happy, everything else was negotiable. The concern that had hung over them all night finally found resolution.

They didn't seek wealth from the other family; as long as the husband's family was understanding, respected, and cherished their daughter, that was all they could ask for.

The parents of both families met without many differences, quickly reaching a consensus. The young couple was filled with sweetness, which also reassured both sets of parents.

The house that Lin Yi claimed to have already bought was even unknown to his parents. After discussing it, they decided to go have a look to avoid any confusion when the time comes to visit.

After lunch, the six family members took a seven-seater car straight to Fragrant Osmanthus Gardens in the city center.

Upon arriving at the destination, Lin Yi quickly jumped out of the car, opened Han Xuewei's door, and carefully helped her down, constantly reminding her to be careful of this and that.

He was simply the epitome of a good husband.

Han Xuewei's pretty face blushed as she felt the warmth from his palm, sweetly contented.

Both sets of parents followed behind the young couple, looked at each other, and exchanged knowing smiles.

As long as the young couple was living well, it brought great joy to their hearts as parents.

The group of six people quickly arrived at the sales office.

"Good day, sir. Are you here to view properties? What size are you interested in?"

The sales assistant approached them eagerly upon their arrival, professionally making her inquiry.

Lin Yi gave her a smile and calmly pulled out the property deed, saying, "Hello, could you find me the keys for this building? We'd like to take a look in person."

The moment the sales assistant saw the property deed, she was shocked and quickly called the manager over without delay.

Once the manager took a glance at the property deed, his face lit up with a smile, and he loudly said, "Number 9, Xiang Gui Garden, this gentleman must be Mr. Lin! We received a notification from the higher-ups yesterday and have been waiting for a while."

"I have the keys right here. Let's go!"

The manager had been notified the previous night that a Mr. Lin would come to view the villa today, and he had been instructed repeatedly to provide excellent service. The keys had even been delivered to him personally by the senior management.

Seeing this, Han Xue's father and mother truly set their worries aside; now that there was a house, they knew their daughter's future would be secured.

They initially planned that if needed, both families could discuss and jointly provide a complete set of housing assistance for the couple, to help them lead a more relaxed life.

Even if finances were tight, it would pose no issue for both families to cover a down payment. After the child's birth, with a little help here and there, the couple's life would still be manageable.

Just graduated, without a house or car, and with three children to raise—it wasn't a joke.

They had not expected their in-laws to be so supportive and resolve the couple's problems so swiftly, allowing them to fully set aside their concerns.

Looking at the 400 square meter detached villa, Han Xue's parents could not contain their happiness.

"Mr. Lin, the villa was renovated a year ago, using only world-class materials, and it's ready to move in. Mr. Lin can rest assured that the materials used are high-end and environmentally friendly."

"It's safe for both infants and the elderly."

The sales manager prattled on confidently.

"A villa in the center of Xiangcheng City, the price must be quite high, right?" Han Xue's mother asked.

With a smile, the sales manager replied, "Madam, you might not be aware, but house prices have skyrocketed within this year. Mr. Lin's villa was purchased a year ago."

"Back then, the price was not even 1/20th of what it is now. The value of this house has increased dozens of times in just a short year."

"Especially now, it's extremely popular, as all the surrounding amenities have been built up. From kindergartens to high schools, there are available positions, making this location the top choice for many citizens."

Lin Yi listened, somewhat stunned. He truly didn't know when the house was bought; he only knew that he received the property deed yesterday.

The renovation had been completed a year ago; by now, any potential harmful substances must have mostly dissipated, meaning even a pregnant woman wouldn't be greatly affected.

With Han Xuewei's belly growing bigger, living in a dormitory was inconvenient, and taking care of herself was a challenge. It was best to move in earlier.