Chapter 16 Should Buy a Car

Aunt Wang was far from courteous, directly reaching out to slap Lin Yi on the head and starting her lecture, "You little rascal, haven't I told you before?"

"It's a dangerous period right now, and you shouldn't act recklessly. It's only a matter of a few months, isn't it? Why can't you endure it? How many men have undergone this?"

"If you don't listen to your aunt and continue to behave irresponsibly, you'll regret it."

"Vivi is pregnant with triplets; we must be even more careful and not a bit negligent."

Lin Yi was caught between laughter and tears, plaintively saying, "Auntie, you are really making a mountain out of a molehill. We didn't do anything, just kissed, that's all."

"I think that shouldn't have any effect, right?"

Aunt Wang gave a resigned smile and said, "Child, don't blame your aunt for being strict. All this is for your own good. If it's just a simple kiss, then there's nothing to criticize."

"But what if during the process of kissing you can't help yourself? Being swayed by emotions and desires is only human. The difference between humans and animals is the ability to withstand our own desires."

"Not to cause harm to others, that's what true skill is."

"Your mother is smart to have sent me here to keep watch, otherwise who knows when disaster might strike."

Lin Yi was so embarrassed by the scolding that he repeatedly begged for mercy, "Auntie, please spare me. You mean well, I know that. I promise I won't do that again, is holding hands okay at most?"

Aunt Wang couldn't help but snort with laughter at Lin Yi's words, not believing a single one, but there was nothing she could do as both kids were young and struggling to control themselves.

It seemed she had to keep a closer eye on them in the future to prevent any irreversible issues from happening, now that would be a real regret.

Aunt Wang made up her mind in her heart.

"Enough, as long as you are aware, you've had a long day, go to sleep now!"

Aunt Wang, looking at the child she had raised from young, felt a wave of pity and promptly said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi felt as if he'd been pardoned and immediately turned into a slippery fish, swiftly dashing into the guest room, closing the door, and with a leap landed on the bed, sprawling out in a starfish pose.

His mind leaped to the special reward the system had mentioned, stirring his curiosity; up till now, he had received countless cash rewards, just not sure how to trigger this special reward.

He only remembered that a simple kiss with Han Xuewei had inadvertently triggered the special reward.

Could a kiss really fetch a special reward?

Lin Yi was utterly baffled.


"Host, please note, special tasks are randomly assigned by the system and there is no fixed pattern. When they occur, it is good if the host can seize the opportunity, there's no need to delve into it further."

Just then, the system's voice rang out in his mind again.

Lin Yi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

This lousy system really knew how to play games—random, wasn't it all up to its whims?

Definitely unreliable.

However, Lin Yi vividly remembered at the same time that when the special task was triggered, they were indeed kissing, and that very moment, he received a reward of 10 million.

By that logic, if they did something else? Or perhaps went a step further, could it trigger a special task, therefore getting even more rewards?

Endless guesses swirled in Lin Yi's mind.

It really was no use, they tried everything they could, and earning a bit more money was pretty good after all.

At this thought, Lin Yi's mind suddenly filled with visions, and Han Xuewei's devilish figure lingered in his mind, an audacious plan forming in his heart.

The next day.

The young couple got up almost at the same time, got ready, walked out the door, and took a taxi straight to Han Xuewei's parents' hotel.

After having breakfast with Han Xuewei's parents, they took a taxi to the high-speed rail station, ready to see them onto the train.

At that moment, Lin Yi felt an intense desire—he had to buy a car for commuting.

Without a car, it was extremely inconvenient, especially since Han Xuewei had a big belly and it was not convenient to take taxis, he had no choice but to accompany her on foot.

For a pregnant woman, it was just too hard.

Aunt Wang, who shopped for groceries every day, had to take taxis everywhere, and it was very inconvenient to transport even a little extra.

It seemed not only did the couple need a car for commuting, but Aunt Wang, who shopped for groceries, also urgently needed one.

Funds were not an issue at all, as up to now, Lin Yi's hands already held tens of millions, enough to buy any car he desired.

The young couple planned to immediately go to the maternity store and purchase everything they needed after sending the parents off on the high-speed train.

At the high-speed rail station, naturally, a scene of parting unfolded.

Han Xuewei watched her parents gradually recede into the distance and couldn't help but feel an onset of sadness, even though the man by her side was her beloved, the bond of family was still irreplaceable.

Han Xuewei sighed in her heart, everything had happened too quickly, as if just yesterday she was still a girl by her parents' side, and in the blink of an eye, she had to leave her parents and live her own life.

"Wife, don't be sad, it's not good for the baby. When we have time, we'll go and see mom and dad properly, or maybe when they have time, I'll bring them over to keep you company," Lin Yi said tenderly, holding Han Xuewei in his arms, constantly comforting her.

Han Xue's mother, as she walked farther away, couldn't help but look back and see the young couple leaning on each other, feeling an endless sigh in her heart, but at the same time, she was able to let go.

The girl had grown up; this step was inevitable, it just came faster than expected.

Only when the backs of Han Xue's parents completely disappeared did Han Xuewei wipe her eyes and allow Lin Yi to half-support and half-embrace her towards the temporary taxi stand.

On the high-speed train.

Han Xuewei's father was gloomy and sighed deeply.

Han Xue's mother lifted her head to look at Han Xue's father and said, "Lao Han, Vivi has found a good home, meeting such a family, we should be content. What's there to sigh about?"

Han Xue's father sighed again and replied, "I understand all that you're saying. I'm happy for our daughter to have found such a person."

"It's just, when I think about my daughter, whom I've raised for so many years, my pearl that I held in my palm, in just a blink of an eye, she's married to someone else. It's honestly hard for me to accept this kind of drop in my heart."

Han Xue's mother smiled slightly and comforted him, "Don't think too much. Now that Vivi is pregnant, it's not good to fuss about the wedding dress. After the child is born, we'll still need to follow all the necessary rituals."

"Luckily, the in-laws are understanding and considerate towards Vivi. We don't need to feel lost. With transportation so convenient, whenever we miss our daughter, we can come up to see her."

"In a few months, I will have a few more grandchildren, we are going to be grandparents, we should be happy about it."

Han Xue's father gave Han Xue's mother a blank stare and said irritably, "Enough, after all this talk, you still don't understand."