Chapter 31 Another Prenatal Check-up

As always, he prepared breakfast and then went to wake Han Xuewei up.

Lin Yi had noticed in the past few days that his wife's love for sleep had grown even worse; if she wasn't woken up in the morning, she might sleep all the way until noon!

Moreover, his wife would occasionally act like a child and was quite dependent on him.

After all, his wife was still a young girl, so he could tolerate all her little tantrums. The most important thing for an expectant mother during pregnancy is care, which Lin Yi, understanding this well, provided to his wife without a trace of negligence.

In just a few days at home, Lin Yi had received a system reward for his meticulous care for his wife and child, amounting to a total of three million.

By this calculation, the savings in his account were about to break through the twenty million mark!

This also brought him a continuous motivation to care for his wife and child.