Chapter 107: Going with the Flow

Today, I really did a bit too much.

But now that things have come to this point, I might as well go with the flow!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi shook his head repeatedly, even starting to feel a bit of sympathy for Yang Fan!

If Yang Fan knew that after such a long time spent selecting the shop and the hefty sum he poured into renovations, it would be forced into demolition, his expression would certainly be priceless! I'm afraid by then, he wouldn't even have the chance to regret it!

I wonder if the video that went viral at the school recently has been seen by his dad and brother?

If those two knew about the big fuss he caused at school, and then learned about the store he spent so long preparing and the huge amount of capital he invested not earning a single cent, he won't be able to hold his head high in the Yang Family anymore!

Hehe, I am actually quite eager to see just how miserably you'll lose.