Chapter 137 Too Thick-Skinned

Lin Jie's mother didn't want to pressure her son, but she and Lin Jie's father were eager to hold a grandson soon!

So when they saw Qin Xiaoxu's photo, they were very impressed and thought she looked quite nice, definitely the pure and innocent type. They couldn't help but give a nod of approval to Lin Jie's taste.

The reason Lin Jie chose Qin Xiaoxu from many "applicants" was that he knew very well what kind of girl would please his parents. As soon as he saw Qin Xiaoxu's photo and contacted her for a detailed discussion, he had already decided on her!

Therefore, no matter what, he had to get through this by leveraging Qin Xiaoxu, because he couldn't afford to have his allowance cut off!

But coincidentally, just at that moment, Dong Rui appeared before the two of them.

While Lin Jie's mother was still scolding her son, Dong Rui came over with a smile and greeted, "Auntie, Lin Jie, hello."