Chapter 252 First Warning

After Lin Yi came down with the others, he found it somewhat amusing to see Han Xuemei standing confidently among the people.

So full of self-confidence, it seems you're very sure of everything you've done.

Today, I'll show you what despair looks like.

Lin Yi, while supporting Han Xuewei, called over the other two people.

For some reason, Han Xuemei didn't know why, but it seemed like Dad Han had already left today. Was he not with Lin Yi?

And why had Lin Yi called all these people here?

"Brother Lin Yi, is there something wrong? Or is there something in our hotel that has made you uncomfortable?"

As soon as Lin Yi and the others walked over, she couldn't wait to debase herself.

That cautious look in her eyes, if other men saw it, they'd probably contact her immediately, but Lin Yi was different.