Chapter 257 Director Zhao

It seems the system also disapproves of that woman's approach, huh?

Indeed, if that woman isn't dealt with soon, Lin Yi feared more complications might arise over time.

"Old Hei, do me a favor."

Lin Yi called a friend and asked him to investigate everything about Han Xuemei and then compile a report to be sent to his email.

Old Hei didn't expect that Lin Yi's first call to him would be about a woman?

Had this woman offended him?

It seemed quite serious. Otherwise, Lin Yi wouldn't have resorted to using him.

"Boss, are you sure you want to use such a precious opportunity to investigate a woman? I promised to help you three times before, and this counts as one."

"It's fine, if I use it once, then I use it once. I want to deal with this woman as soon as possible; otherwise, she will keep my wife awake at night."

Old Hei really regretted why he had to say more and suffer this dose of a dog's breakfast.