Chapter 3: Break the leg, throw it out!

Zhou Yang's hands moved like shadows as he caught Hong Sanbao's wrist.

The fierce fist, just half an inch from the eyebrow bone, suddenly stopped.

Hong Sanbao's heart jolted, realizing this person was an expert; he slowly turned his head, glaring at Zhou Yang with gritted teeth, "Kid, seeking death?"

Zhou Yang calmly smiled and said, "Your father is just poisoned by medicine, and I have a way to treat him."

Medicine poisoning?

The crowd was shocked upon hearing this—could the medicines from Jishi Medical Hall be toxic?

The assistant who had just humiliated Zhou Yang rushed forward, pointing at him and cursing loudly, "This damn dog doesn't even have the money to pay for the medicines and yet claims he can bring back the dead and mend the flesh and bones. He's simply a madman! Sir Bao, you must not listen to his nonsense; our medical hall's medicines are not poisonous!"

Zhou Yang, ignoring the mad dog's bark, confidently said, "If you want the old master to come back to life, let me treat him. Any further delay, and not even a god could revive him!"

Hong Sanbao's brows knotted, and after a moment's hesitation, he nodded, "Alright, I'll let you treat him. If you can save my dad, I'll give you five million! But if you fail, I'll make sure you pay with your life!"

Chang Yunshan clenched his teeth and said, "You brat, how dare you falsely accuse Jishi Medical Hall's medicine of being toxic! If you cure him, I'll give you one million, and as long as the medical hall stands, we will provide for you generation after generation! But if you fail, I will drag you down with me!"

Zhou Yang didn't respond to the accusations.

He prescribed a formula and had the assistant quickly grind the herbs into a powder, then mix it with warm water into a concoction, and personally poured it into the old master's mouth.

He tossed the bowl behind him, and with a crack, the porcelain bowl shattered.

He quietly waited for the old master to wake up.

The hall of the medical hall was silent, so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Before long, the old master's fingers trembled slightly, followed by his eyes, and he let out a faint moan.

Chang Yunshan scrambled forward, kneeling beside the sofa to check the old master's pulse, crying loudly, "Heaven has eyes, the old master, the old master has come back to life!"


The crowd was stunned, as if struck by lightning—the young man truly was a divine doctor, capable of reviving the dead and mending flesh and bones!

Hong Sanbao knelt in front of the sofa, crying out emotionally, "Dad, Dad, you've finally awakened!"

The old master spoke with a weak voice, blaming himself, "Little Leopard, I... I got the dosage of the medicine wrong. I should have taken one packet, but I took two. It was too late by the time I realized my mistake; it has nothing to do with Manager Chang, so do not make it difficult for him."

Chang Yunshan, feeling like he had dodged a catastrophe, finally relaxed, collapsing to the floor and muttering to himself, "So that's what it was. With medicine comes poison; taking two packets at once, the old master's body couldn't bear it—natural medicine poisoning."

He quickly got up, kneeling in front of Zhou Yang and knocking his head on the ground, "I am old and incompetent, having misunderstood the divine doctor. I am grateful for the divine doctor's life-saving grace! From now on, as long as the medical hall stands, it will forever venerate the divine doctor!"

Hong Sanbao clasped his hands together and said, "Divine doctor, Baozi is a crude man and has offended you due to my ignorance. Please forgive me!"

Zhou Yang returned the gesture and said, "Treating the sick and saving lives is the duty of a doctor; no need for formalities, both of you, please get up."

Hong Sanbao turned to his bodyguards and shouted, "Go and bring five million in cash immediately!"

Chang Yunshan also hastily sent someone to inform the accounting room to prepare one million in cash to be brought over.

Before long.

Six large combination safes filled with cash, a total of six million, were laid out before Zhou Yang.

Onlookers seeing all the money felt their blood surge and their heartbeats quicken.

Zhou Yang pointed to the million from the medical hall and said, "I'll accept the money from the medical hall, but Sir Bao, please take your money back."

Hong Sanbao glared, unwilling, "Brother, are you looking down on Hong Sanbao? Someone, prepare another five million!"

Zhou Yang explained, "I intervened on behalf of the medical hall to provide treatment, and just so happens, I need a million myself, so this money I should take. To save a life is more meritorious than building a seven-story pagoda, and treating the sick is indeed the duty of a doctor, so I shouldn't take Sir Bao's money."

Compared to five million, Zhou Yang was more willing to have the underworld figure Hong Sanbao owe him a favor.

"Brother is truly honorable!"

Hong Sanbao patted his chest and said with a bold spirit, "It's been my great fortune to know a brother in this life, if there's ever a need for Sanbao's services, I will brave fire and boiling water without hesitation!"

Zhou Yang nodded, took out five banknotes from the given million, and handed them together with the prescription to the clerk who had insulted him, saying, "Now that I have money, fill the prescription according to the list."

The clerk's legs trembled, and he knelt down thumping his head and said, "Sir, I was blind and failed to recognize Mount Tai, please forgive my offense!"

Those who had laughed at Zhou Yang earlier all lowered their heads, ashamed and wishing they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Manager Chang Yunshan inquired about the situation, and a clerk recounted the incident of Zhou Yang being insulted for not having money to fill the prescription.

Chang Yunshan flew into a rage, kicked the kneeling clerk to the ground, and bellowed, "You lowlife who judges by the eyes like a dog, if not for the divine doctor, I, along with my family and everyone at Jishi Medical Hall, would have lost our lives, get out, get out of here right now!"

"You think you can just get away with insulting my brother that easily?" commanded Hong Sanbao, "Bring someone, break his legs, and throw him out!"

The clerk begged for mercy in horror, "Sir Bao, please spare my life, divine doctor, grandpa, please have mercy on me!"

Kindness is meant for the good-hearted.

Constant yielding only allows the wicked to overstep and trample on one's dignity.

Zhou Yang looked down at the clerk who had insulted him and said, "Good and evil will be repaid, it's just a matter of time. I'll let you learn a lesson so you'll know how to behave and handle affairs in the future."

"Profound, my brother speaks with such culture!"

Hong Sanbao greatly admired and ordered, "Drag this bastard away and teach him how to be a proper person!"

The clerk was dragged out of the medical hall by two bodyguards, his agonizing cries for mercy disappearing.

Manager Chang took the prescription from Zhou Yang's hand, personally prepared the medicine for Zhou Yang, and told the other clerks that from now on, no charge should be made when the benefactor came for medicine.

Zhou Yang wrote another prescription and handed it to Hong Sanbao, saying, "This is a warming tonic, take it once a day to ensure longevity for the old master."

Hong Sanbao eagerly took the prescription, thanking him with a bow of hands, "Brother, Sanbao is not good with words, I'll remember this kindness in my heart!"

"Until next time!"

Zhou Yang responded with a smile, accepted the traditional Chinese medicine from Manager Chang, and left the medical hall carrying a suitcase filled with a million.

Night fell.

Zhou Yang followed the same path back home.

He had just reached the living room when he heard his mother's sighing voice from the bedroom.

"His dad, our son has just come out of prison, where would he get the money for the medicine!"

"The son hurt Hu, they certainly won't let things slide, don't let the son be beaten up again. Why don't we talk to him, move to the countryside to live, we can't afford to provoke them, but we can hide from them."

Zhou Fugui sighed in despair, "Ah, it's all my fault for achieving nothing in life and even burdening our son! If my leg is ruined, so be it, I can't let my son lose face, we'll discuss it when he comes back."

Zhou Yang's nose tingled, and he looked down at the suitcase.

Tonight, he would return the million, take Gang's legs, and reclaim dignity for his father!

It was also a warning to Li Ya, to pay back what was owed, with interest!