Chapter 4, Giving You Two Choices

"Dad, Mom, I'm back," Zhou Yang entered the bedroom.

Wang Lanzhi hastily took the traditional Chinese medicine from her son's hand and asked, "Yang, what's in the box?"

"A surprise for you both."

Zhou Yang said as he placed the box on the bed and opened it.

A box full of cash, piled up into a mountain, struck Wang Lanzhi and Zhou Fugui with immense force, the surprise scattering the worries in their hearts like smoke blown away by the wind.

Wang Lanzhi snapped back to reality, worriedly said, "Son, where did you get so much money? Even if our family is in need, we can't do anything illegal!"

"Mom, don't worry, I earned this money through honest means by saving someone."

Zhou Yang said with a smile as he briefly recounted what happened at the clinic, and Wang Lanzhi with Zhou Fugui finally felt at ease.

"My son really is capable, just with this skill alone he won't have to worry about food. Dinner is ready, go eat quickly."

Wang Lanzhi finally showed a relieved smile, knowing that once the high-interest loan was paid off, their home would be safe.

"Not so fast," Zhou Yang closed the box and said, "I'll brew some of this Chinese medicine for Dad to drink, then make some medicinal plaster for treating his leg injury."

"This child, still as impulsive as before. I'll help you," Wang Lanzhi chuckled as she followed Zhou Yang out of the bedroom.

They were busy until after nine o'clock.

Zhou Fugui took the medicine and had plaster applied to his injured leg, his forced trembling and moans of pain disappeared, and he peacefully fell asleep under the careful care of Wang Lanzhi.

The wounds of guilt Zhou Yang felt towards his parents had finally begun to heal a bit.

"Mom, I'm going to give them the one million," Zhou Yang said quietly.

"Yang, they're vicious and brutal. Even if they just curse at you to vent their anger, don't argue with them. We can't afford to provoke them, just give them the money and hurry back," Wang Lanzhi said as she escorted Zhou Yang to the door, giving him a careful reminder.

"Okay, I got it, just give them the money and come back."

Zhou Yang smiled and nodded in agreement, looking like he was listening to his mother, but the moment he turned to leave the room, his expression changed dramatically, the murderous intent in his eyes chilling.

He carried the box downstairs and dialed the extortionate phone number he had gotten from his dad.

"Who is this?"

"I'm Zhou Yang, looking for Gang to pay back one million!"


Inside the private room of the Heaven on Earth Club.

Gang was sitting on the sofa, cuddling with a sexy girl, while making a call to Li Ya.

"President Li, Zhou Yang is out of prison. He called to say he's paying back one million," Gang said.

"What? He didn't have a penny to his name, where did he get a million?" Li Ya's voice sounded somewhat panicked.

"Whether he sells his blood, his kidney, his ass, or robs and kills, as long as he pays the money back, I don't care where the one million comes from."

Gang found Li Ya's reaction a bit amusing and continued, "In my opinion, when someone is pushed to the edge that they're picking through trash and leftovers to survive, you should at least leave them a place to live. No matter what, you are a wife of the Zhou family. Don't be too ruthless."

"Gang, when did you grow a conscience? I'm quite surprised," Li Ya said with a sarcastic laugh, "Three years ago, when I was pregnant with Zhou Yang's child, these two old things wouldn't let Zhou Yang abandon Su Xue. Who knows the sufferings I went through?"

"Enough, I know all about your affairs. Don't pretend to be a whore with a morality sign," Gang sneered, "Su Xue is prettier and nicer than you. Anyone with common sense knows who to choose. It's just too bad Zhou Yang was too naive to understand. We don't even know if it's his kid, but he ended up in jail for you. Otherwise, why did you get rid of the child?"

"What the hell are you talking about, you ungrateful beast?" Li Ya exploded in rage, "I gave you all the five hundred thousand I swindled from those to old things, even got you a free apartment, and you dare to bite back at me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I was always a beast without conscience. You, the Li family, conned Zhou Yang out of a billion in family assets, living the high life. Give me another million, and I'll milk Zhou Yang dry, leaving him with nothing," Gang said with smug extortion.

"Alright, I'll transfer you one million, you greedy bastard!"

Even with all her wealth, Li Ya couldn't outwit this sly and vicious local snake. She had no choice but to compromise.

The call ended.

Upon receiving the million transfer, Gang kissed his phone and laughed, "Compared to you, Director Li, I'm practically a saintly virgin."

The private room door opened.

Hu walked in, respectfully saying, "Gang, Zhou Yang is here with the money."

Gang sneered, "This kid can beat you guys up like that, he's got some skills indeed. Call more brothers, today he walks in upright, but he'll be carried out lying down! Let him in!"

"Yes, Gang!"

Hu grinned viciously, his smile cruel and ominous.

"Wait," Gang called Hu back and said, "Find someone with a bad temper lately, prepare a fancy beer for Zhou Yang. Make sure you don't pick someone with diabetes, wouldn't want him to get off easy."

The coquettish beauty laughed charmingly, poking his chest with her tiny fist.

"Gang, you're so naughty!"

Shortly after.

Zhou Yang, carrying a large briefcase, followed Hu into the private room. Eight burly, fierce-looking thugs entered and closed the door behind them.

The atmosphere in the room instantly turned tense and dark, fraught with danger.

With a beauty in his arm and a cigar in his mouth, Gang blew smoke towards Zhou Yang.

"Where's the money?"

Hu took the briefcase from Zhou Yang's hands, placed it on the coffee table, opened it, and immediately his eyes lit up as he burst into laughter.

"Gang, it's really a million!"

"Are my parents' debts to you paid off now?" Zhou Yang asked.

Gang picked up a stack of banknotes, sniffed them at the tip of his nose, utterly intoxicated.

"This is for the medical expenses of Hei Hu and the brothers you injured. You still owe another million."

"You have two choices. One is to drink that fancy beer, I break one of your legs, and you hop back home kicking out your two good-for-nothing old folks."

Zhou Yang glanced at the highball glass filled with the deep amber liquid topped with white foam, and laughed, "The person who peed in this suffers from liver detoxification issues due to frequent late nights. This high-end beer must taste extra mellow. And the second choice?"

Gang tossed the money back into the suitcase and said:

"Zhou Yang, your brain hasn't cleared up after three years in jail, you've learned to be humorous. The second choice is I break both your legs and pour that fancy beer down your throat, then you crawl home dragging your two good-for-nothing old folks out to beg on the streets!"

Ha ha ha...

Gang, the coquettish beauty, Hu, and the eight imposing men laughed wildly. In their eyes, Zhou Yang was nothing but a pathetic and pitiful clown.

"I also have two choices for you," Zhou Yang said coldly.

Gang raised his hand to quiet the laughter and leaned forward, "Speak."

Zhou Yang's gaze turned icy, sharp as a knife, and he said:

"You break one of my dad's legs, and I'll take both of yours! You drink that fancy beer, and I'll break both your legs. Or I break both your legs first, then you obediently drink it up!"

Gang's face darkened, his eyes filled with sinister intent, and a cruel smirk curled on his lips, "Zhou Yang, you really are an idiot, no wonder Li Ya could scam you out of a billion. Well, remain an idiot then. That way, there's no pain."

His voice suddenly shifted, bellowing angrily, "Finish him!"

The coquettish beauty's eyes sparkled with excitement, anticipating the violent, bloody spectacle.