Chapter 14 Out of Control Situation

"What are you doing... doing?" Ailent's voice trembled a little.

It was impossible not to tremble. As soon as Xu Yi entered the room, he locked the door from the inside, and then fetched an ax from the storage room.

Could it be that his identity as an imposter was exposed, and he was preparing to kill to silence him?

The thunder outside the window grew more violent, and the sky had completely darkened, so dark that one could not see one's own hand in front of their face.

He suddenly remembered what Xu Yi had said before entering the room, that if someone wanted to kill, this was indeed the perfect weather for it.

Thinking of this, Ailent's back was already soaked with cold sweat.

The sharp ax was handed to Ailent, who looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled face.

"Take it! Don't you want to help?"

Xu Yi didn't understand why Ailent was so nervous.

Could it be that the other man had seen the ghostly apparitions in the house? He looked around but did not see anything.

"Oh, it's just to help! You should have said so earlier!" Ailent wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Now that he knew Xu Yi wasn't going to kill him, his rationality gradually returned, and he was a bit puzzled, what was the ax for?

Could it be that he was planning a physical exorcism?

"Should we sprinkle some blood on the ax?" Ailent suddenly asked.

Xu Yi looked at Ailent with astonishment, "Why would you think of that?"

"Aren't you of Chinese descent? I've recently researched the exorcists from the Xia Kingdom, and they all like to sprinkle blood on their weapons." Ailent mimicked the action of biting his finger.

Xu Yi rolled his eyes, ignored Ailent, and was ready to head down to the basement.

Another peal of thunder exploded in the sky, and Xu Yi turned his head to look outside. The searing flash of lightning was a pain to the eyes.

The thunder was so close it seemed as though it had struck just above their heads. Ailent jumped at the sound, and the ax clattered to the floor.

Xu Yi, blessed with "As Brave as a Barrel," remained unfazed.

The lightning seemed to have hit something, something fell to the ground not far away, and the ground shook with a rumble.

"What's in that direction?"

Xu Yi began to recall that this area was a plain, planted with low shrubs, and it seemed there were no large buildings.

"Jesus bless us! Jesus bless us!" Ailent pressed his hands together, praying incessantly.

Suddenly, Xu Yi remembered that in that direction stood a huge statue of Jesus.

Could it be that there was a problem with the statue of Jesus?

Xu Yi shook his head and didn't continue the thought. These things had nothing to do with him, and naturally, someone from the church would handle it tomorrow.

He had barely taken two steps when he suddenly stopped abruptly, turning his head to look behind him at the wall... He suddenly realized that the collapse of the Jesus statue was not unrelated to him.

The white plaster on the wall suddenly turned yellow and began to peel off, forming a yellow-brown spot that spread in all directions. In the blink of an eye, the house seemed to have aged hundreds of years.

"What... what's happening?" Ailent's voice trembled.

Ailent could actually see it too! Xu Yi was shocked.

He realized something was wrong. His psychic entries were about to be filled up, and with his spirituality, he could see things that common people couldn't.

But the changes on the wall were visible to Ailent too, meaning the situation had escalated.

Xu Yi had always had a question in his mind. With so many ghosts in the house, why was the danger so low, graded at just "one Resurrection Coin"?

Even if they were all tame and kind spirits, the gathering of so many would brew something terrible.

But the ghosts here were unusually docile.

Now he understood, it was because of the Jesus statue in the graveyard.

In this world, church priests and such were not just for show. The Jesus statues that had undergone "Spiritual Awakening" through the church had an indescribable mystique.

The statue of Jesus had always been suppressing the ghosts here, but, coincidentally, now the statue had been struck down by lightning!

Blood-red necromantic spells started to appear on the yellow-brown walls. He had seen these spells before, on the bandaged ghostly apparitions.

He had even gone to the library to consult ancient tomes, but due to densely packed bandages concealing them, he could only see a very few runes and therefore was not sure of the spells' effects.

Now, the walls were covered with clear necromantic spells, and he finally knew how the original owner had enhanced his spiritual communication ability.

These were Necromantic Spells, evil spells that had long been lost to time.

Their purpose was to seal the soul inside a corpse, prevent the soul from reincarnating, and the powerful resentment could strengthen spiritual power.

Ailent was trembling all over as he charged toward the stairwell and lunged at the front door.

But the Necromantic Spells spread too quickly. Just as he reached the door, it was already covered with them.

Ailent pulled at the latch and pushed hard on the door, to no avail.

He kicked and rammed his body against the door, but the door was immovable as if made of welded steel plates.

Xu Yi saw that even the windows were covered with Necromantic Spells, realizing that the place had been isolated and it would be impossible to leave for now.

"Stop banging! Come with me!" Xu Yi yelled angrily.

Ailent turned his head and saw the calm Xu Yi and suddenly snapped back to his senses.

He rushed back to Xu Yi's side like a drowning man clutching at a straw, "Exorcist sir, what should we do now?"

He was now regretting it so much he could turn green with it; he should not have doubted Xu Yi. If he hadn't doubted Xu Yi, he would never have come here and wouldn't have encountered this situation.

Xu Yi gave Ailent a speechless look. This fellow was really too faint-hearted.

"Grab an axe, and follow me to the basement!" Xu Yi also took an axe from the utility room.

He had not been planning to get his hands dirty, given that Ailent provided free labor, but now the situation had taken a drastic turn and spiraled beyond his control; he had to resolve the issues here as soon as possible.

The two hurried to the basement, and Xu Yi, looking at the unchanged morgue, slowly let out a breath of relief.

If the walls here were also covered with spells, they would be in dire straits; normal axes would stand no chance of breaking through.

Xu Yi picked up the axe and struck the wall fiercely.

The walls here were almost entirely wooden, just coated with a layer of stone paint on the outside.

The wooden wall panel was thick, and the heavy and forceful axe only left a mark on the surface.

"What are you spacing out for! Hurry up and help, chop down all these walls!" Xu Yi glared at Ailent who was still standing dumbfounded.

"Oh! Oh!" Ailent came to his senses and quickly stepped forward to help.

He copied Xu Yi and chopped at the wooden wall without any mercy, completely forgetting that this house was bought with all his savings.

Xu Yi had carefully checked the floor plan of the house and noticed something strange.

The property's floor area was 152 square meters, but it felt very cramped in practice, especially the walls of the morgue, which were unreasonably thick.

Ailent raised his axe, and with another powerful strike, the wooden surface finally gave way under the assault and splintered.

A clump of yellow-brown matter fell out, and Ailent screamed.

Xu Yi turned his head and saw the clump of yellow-brown matter clearly; it was a dead person's head wrapped in dense bandages, with the blood-colored spells underneath faintly visible.

"Stop screaming, hurry up and chop open the walls. There are more than one body here!"

Ailent terrifiedly chopped at the wall, and as Xu Yi said, more bodies slid out of the walls that were chopped open, all wrapped in bandages.

Xu Yi looked at the bodies in front of him without any surprise; everything was as he had expected.

While researching at the library, he had realized it.

The stolen bodies from the cemetery, the irrational layout of the house, the multitude of ghostly shadows... they all unmistakably pointed towards this conclusion.

"Count the number of bodies!" Xu Yi looked at the bodies piled up like a small mountain and assigned Ailent a new task.

Ailent had a troubled look but obediently went to do it.

He had no choice but to listen; the blood-colored spells hadn't disappeared yet; before leaving this place, Xu Yi was his only reliance.

Xu Yi kept frowning. Although he had successfully found the bodies, the ominous feeling in his heart hadn't dissipated; on the contrary, it was becoming stronger with each passing moment.

From the time he entered the Funeral Parlor until now, not a single ghost had been seen, which was too abnormal.