Chapter 13 Three Steps of Exorcism

City Library, Xu Yi stared at the text on the newspaper, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

Today, after school, he didn't go to Rose Street or the Funeral Parlor, but instead came to the City Library.

The antiques on Rose Street were almost all perused by him, and the entry experience he could gain had become scarce, making him reluctant to go again.

He came to the library to do research.

In this era, unlike the future, if you wanted any information, you couldn't just search the internet to find it.

To research information, one had to rely on books and newspapers, and local libraries usually had a habit of archiving newspapers.

The three steps of exorcism: first, discover clues, second, find the source, which is usually some kind of vessel, and finally, perform the exorcism.

Coming to the library was just trying his luck, but unexpectedly, he really found something.

"Psychic Funeral Parlor, Ackerman and his psychic assistant Jona!"

Xu Yi stared at the newspaper, deep in thought.

In the past, that house was actually quite well-known.

The original owner of the house was named Ackerman, who was said to have found a way to enhance spiritual power. Through his assistant, the psychic boy Jona, they were able to facilitate communication between the world of the living and the dead.

Consequently, people longing to see their deceased loved ones flocked there, and the Psychic Funeral Parlor became famous overnight.

Xu Yi remembered the charred ghostly shadow he saw at the Funeral Parlor.

Who was it?

It couldn't be the homeowner Ackerman, since there was a big difference in body type, but the psychic boy Jona, it was possible.

The newspaper's subsequent reports claimed that during a psychic ritual, an accident happened, a fierce fire broke out in the house.

After the fire was extinguished, the original homeowner was found dead on the scene, while the psychic boy Jona had disappeared without a trace.

Xu Yi thought of the skeleton in the cremation furnace, pondering.

If there were no accidents, the charred ghostly shadow was likely Jona, because he felt a strong "spirituality" from it.

People with spirit communication ability possess a "spirituality" that common people do not have; Xu Yi also only realized this after the psychic entry was nearly full.

Why would Jona hide in the cremation furnace? What exactly happened during the psychic session? Xu Yi didn't know.

He had roughly figured out the identity of the charred ghostly shadow, but where did those bandaged ghostly shadows come from? Xu Yi wondered.

The Funeral Parlor wouldn't wrap "guests" in bandages, especially since those bandages had densely inscribed red runes underneath them.

Suddenly, Xu Yi had a hunch and went back to read the newspaper thoroughly, word by word.

"Ackerman claimed to have found a way to enhance spiritual power..."

Could the red runes possibly be some kind of curse technique?

Vaguely, Xu Yi felt that the truth was very close to him now.

He continued to look through the newspapers, and one piece of information caught his attention.

"Highway construction... relocation of a cemetery... over a hundred bodies vanished without a trace..."

Xu Yi remembered the layout of the Funeral Parlor, pondering.

"The grand endeavor of exorcism will be tomorrow!" Seeing that it was already completely dark outside, Xu Yi knew he was too late for today and would have to wait for tomorrow.


It was a new day, and after the dismissal bell rang, Xu Yi waved goodbye to Lisa and prepared to head to the Funeral Parlor in the suburbs alone.

What he didn't notice was that Martin, hiding in the shadows of the school gate, was secretly watching him.

Ever since the previous encounter in the alley, Martin had been bedridden at home for several days and had only recently recuperated.

He had sought out his mother and even reported to the police, claiming that Xu Yi was the real Cannibal, the terrifying serial killer.

Unfortunately, no one believed him, and his mother even found him a psychiatrist.

He was convinced he wasn't crazy!

"Since none of you believe me, then I'll uncover the evidence with my own hands!" Martin made up his mind and stealthily followed Xu Yi.

Recently, he had been observing Xu Yi in secret, and after school each day, Xu Yi would head to the desolate suburbs.

A Cannibal, avoiding crowds, wandering out to the suburbs for no good reason, what could he be planning?

The answer was undoubtedly clear.

If Xu Yi knew what Martin was thinking, he would scoff at the idea.

Truly a brainless brute, if Xu Yi really were the Cannibal, Martin would meet a very tragic end once discovered.

The person secretly observing Xu Yi wasn't just Martin; Maria was doing the same thing.

Ever since Xu Yi taught Martin and his gang a lesson, for a long time, Maria hadn't been harassed by Martin anymore.

"He did all this for me!"

One of life's three grand illusions, possessed not only by men but women as well.

Xu Yi's lesson for Martin had little to do with Maria, it was purely to vent bad air for his predecessor and to avoid further disturbances.

He was busy brushing up on entries and had no time to deal with any school tyrants.

"Martin is following Xu Yi sneakily; what is he up to?" Maria furrowed her brows deeply.

Could it be that Martin wanted to hurt Xu Yi? Maria's heart leaped at the thought.

No, she must warn Xu Yi.

She hastily hailed a cab and instructed the driver to follow.

Xu Yi, unaware of what was happening behind him, had already arrived at the Funeral Parlor on the outskirts.

"Mr. Ailent, long time no see!"

In front of the Funeral Parlor, Xu Yi saw a familiar figure; it was Ailent, whom he hadn't seen in a long while.

Ailent said he was free today and planned to come over "to help."

Xu Yi knew all too well, this wasn't about helping, it was clear he was getting suspicious from Xu Yi's inactivity.

"That's more than welcome!" Xu Yi expressed his gratitude.

Who would refuse free labor? He could only give his wholehearted approval.

Just as the doors of the Funeral Parlor opened, the sky suddenly darkened, followed by a thunderclap, signaling an imminent downpour.

"What beautiful weather today!" Xu Yi remarked.

Ailent looked at Xu Yi with perplexity, unable to comprehend what was good about such ghastly weather.

Xu Yi just smiled, offering no explanation.

The other person suspected him of being a fraud, after all, so let him experience it firsthand.

Once the downpour started, the other person wouldn't be able to run away midway through.

With someone who's a novice yet eager to play, it's like welding the car doors shut, letting the brothers inside the Haunted House provide a perfect experience.

Martin was watching Xu Yi closely from a distance, a brainstorm raging in his head.

The desolate suburbs, the approaching storm, the innocent man lured here...

All the elements were present; how could you say you're not the Cannibal?

Martin felt it wasn't yet time to call the police because Xu Yi was too cunning; he needed solid evidence to bring Xu Yi to justice.

He caught sight of a window on the side of the house and an idea struck him.

The locks on these old-style windows were very primitive; he had "accidentally" opened one before.

"After gathering enough evidence of Xu Yi's crimes, I'll secretly call the police!" Martin felt sure his plan was foolproof.

The window lock was corroded, and Martin didn't have to exert much effort to open it.

He peeked inside to make sure no one was there, then carefully climbed through.

When Maria arrived, she happened to see Martin climbing through the window into the house.

At that moment, thunder roared across the sky and the rain poured down in buckets; it was too late to wait for someone inside to open the door.

To avoid getting soaked by the rain, she followed suit and climbed in through the window.