10. Clash (Please follow, please favorite~)

Nucky's study wasn't very large, but it was luxuriously decorated, and there weren't many books on the bookshelf behind him, purely for ornamentation.

Louis always stood by Nucky's side, his rugged face devoid of any expression, resembling a perpetual block of ice.

But at that moment, a hint of astonishment flickered in Louis's eyes.

He was astonished by the request Donnie had made, and the smile on his boss Nucky's face became even more radiant, with an added touch of keen interest.

Neither of them had expected Donnie to come to them for a loan!

Although people asked Nucky for loans every day, this was an entirely different matter.

Just moments before, Donnie had made his request, hoping to secure a loan of one thousand US dollars from Nucky.

"I will pay you the interest according to the rates in Atlantic City, for a term of three months. Three months later, I will repay you the principal along with the interest!"

Three hundred dollars in capital was not a hefty sum in Atlantic City, but it was roughly the wages of an ordinary person for about three months.

In Atlantic City, a baker's assistant earned a weekly wage of thirty-five US dollars, and an ordinary policeman made less than one hundred dollars a month.

By this period, Americans had already lost the habit of saving money.

The term "living paycheck to paycheck" originated from the United States!

"Donnie, this is our first meeting, isn't it?" Nucky didn't respond to whether he would lend the money to Donnie but asked instead.

Donnie nodded and said, "Of course. Before I left Atlantic County for the battlefields in France, I had already heard of Mr. Nucky's great reputation. I know you are known as a good man in Atlantic City, and that's why I came to Mr. Nucky, because of your well-known goodwill!"

Nucky smiled. Although he appeared generous to the public, there were always motives behind it. Now, as he examined the man he had been paying attention to, he also pondered whether this man might have guessed that those two individuals had been sent by him.

However, such thoughts flickered in his mind for less than a second before he dismissed them. Was it necessary for Nucky to know whether or not he was aware?

If Donnie were to use that incident to threaten him, then he'd surely miscalculated!

"May I know why you need to borrow such a large sum of money, Donnie?"

With a bitter smile and hands spread, Donnie sat there and replied, "Well, I hope to survive well in Atlantic City. As you're aware, Mr. Nucky, Prohibition is about to start. And right now, I only have one tavern in Atlantic City. According to the rules of Prohibition, my tavern will have to close in two months, so I need to make some additional preparations for myself!"

Nucky nodded slightly, the gleam of his shiny head reflecting some light: "So it's like that. Donnie, you hope to use this thousand dollars to start another business?"

Donnie shook his head, "Of course not. I just hope to acquire more taverns in Atlantic City!"

For the first time, the ever-smiling Nucky finally showed a hint of solemnity on his face; he realized he had somewhat underestimated Donnie.

Nucky was known as the underground emperor of Atlantic City, controlling the entire City Hall's personnel appointments. Any law needing enforcement in Atlantic City would have to pass through Nucky's decision.

The entire United States was discussing the issue of Prohibition, and Atlantic City was no exception.

But unlike the rest of the country, where everyone from top to bottom believed that Prohibition would be perfectly enforced, in Atlantic City, it was only the ordinary citizens who assumed Prohibition would be implemented soon. Only a few of the top figures were debating whether to seriously enforce the Prohibition according to the United States Constitution.

As previously mentioned, Atlantic City was a tourist destination, relying on three main attractions to lure the blue-collar crowd from Philadelphia.

Casinos, brothels, beaches.

Among these options, the beach could be considered negligible. The real pillars of Atlantic City's economy were the casinos and brothels.

And liquor was an essential complement to both venues!

"What would it be like if there were no whiskey anywhere else in the country, but we had it here in Atlantic City?"

During a top-level meeting in Atlantic City, Nucky stood among the others, his arms spread wide and an excited look on his face as he laid out the future prospects of Atlantic City for those present.

Many people didn't voice their opinions at the time and carefully considered Nucky's suggestion. Even now, there was no definitive answer. But Nucky believed that his proposal would surely be accepted by the others.

Because it would bring a massive fortune to every person present at that time!

Nucky hadn't anticipated that while this matter was still under discussion, the man before him had already dared to place his bets, not just his own but also seeking to borrow in order to wager even more!

"What you are planning is a violation of the United States Constitution!"

Eventually, Nucky concluded ambiguously.

Donnie laughed, "As long as you, Mr. Nucky, don't violate the constitution, we should be fine!"

Nucky shook his head, "It's a bold idea, but you can't guarantee that this debt will smoothly make its way back to my pocket!"

Donnie continued to persuade, "Every investment carries risk, but the higher the risk, the higher the potential returns. Not only can I ensure you receive $300 of interest in two months, but my presence could also bring additional benefits to you, Mr. Nucky, in other areas!"

Nucky showed a curious expression and asked, "Which areas? I don't think there's any benefit in Atlantic City that you need to provide me!"

Donnie spoke easily, "I've heard that the Commodore has returned to Atlantic City, and it so happens that I have some issues with his illegitimate son, George Kurle. If I can successfully acquire more bars, I could become a great asset to you, Mr. Nucky!"

"I have a very deep friendship with the Commodore; he officiated my wedding!" Nucky frowned slightly and said, "So I don't take kindly to your current insinuations, Donnie."

Donnie was unfazed by Nucky's reaction, understanding that it was typical of him to play both sides.

"I apologize for my earlier words, but I am a direct man. I thank those who treat me well, and I despise those who do not, seeking ways to deal with them. If you, Mr. Nucky, find my ideas problematic, feel free to tell the Commodore!"

Nucky furrowed his brows, feigning concern, "May I ask what the issue is between you and George? I've watched the kid grow up; he's a fine young man. If he's done something wrong, I can have him apologize to you!"

Donnie slowly shared everything that had happened on the battlefield, as well as his return to Elwood Village, with Nucky.

"Had it not been for me saving his life on the battlefield, he would have died at the hands of the Germans. Yet, he repaid me with a bar that was bound to fail. When I returned to Atlantic City, he chose to silence the matter by attempting to exterminate me, which I cannot tolerate!"

Even though Donnie now harbored more suspicion toward Nucky concerning the assassination, he still laid all the blame on George Kurle.

"There was such a matter?" Nucky feigned shock before expressing regret, "George is like a child I raised myself. He is inherently kind. Perhaps there's been some misunderstanding. I will help mediate between the two of you!"

"I am grateful for your help, Mr. Nucky," Donnie first complimented Nucky, then continued, "but I still hope to resolve this issue on my own."

Nucky pondered for a moment before saying, "Young people are always impulsive. Look, I can lend you a thousand dollars, but I still hope you'll think it over. When you reach my age, you'll understand that interests are eternal."

As he said these last words, Nucky emphasized his tone!

A look of moderate gratitude appeared on Donnie's face, "Thank you, Mr. Nucky. You truly are as kind-hearted as others say!"

Nucky waved his hand dismissively and then took out a thousand dollars in cash from his drawer while Louis had prepared the paper and pen just in time!

Nucky looked disapprovingly at Louis but did not take back the paper and pen.

Donnie clearly wrote out the IOU before picking up the dollars from the table.

After escorting Donnie out of Nucky's study, Louis returned and Nucky queried, "What do you think of this Donnie?"

Louis said, "A mad, impulsive man!"

Nucky shook his head and chuckled, "Wrong, he's a clever man, but only to a point."

Louis looked at Nucky, puzzled. He didn't understand why he and Nucky had different opinions of the same man and situation.

"By saying what you did just now, aren't you letting Donnie abandon his vendetta against George Kurle?"

Nucky poured himself a glass of whiskey and then laughed, "Didn't I say earlier? He's a clever man. If he can't understand what I was implying just now, then he doesn't deserve my assessment."

Louis thought back to their conversation, unable to pinpoint any issues, and shook his head.

Nucky didn't explain further and simply instructed Louis, "Tell the bar owners on the Boardwalk, if anyone comes to buy their bars, to ask for a high price, a very high price."

"If that's the case, won't Donnie end up unable to pay back your money?"

"A mere thousand dollars. If this Donnie can become my man, he'll bring me much more than a thousand dollars' worth of benefits," Nucky said cheerfully, draining his glass of whiskey in one gulp!


By then, Donnie had already left the Ritz Hotel, and upon seeing Robert and John waiting outside, he wasn't too surprised but shared his conversation with Nucky with them.

"Didn't you say we shouldn't become pawns in anyone's hand? Now haven't we just become pawns of Nucky?" John asked, puzzled.

"We become pawns only if they get a hold on us. If they can't, then we're no pawns. Still, we do need them to think we're their pawns for the time being," Donnie explained, although his words were quite convoluted.

John shook his head, indicating his confusion, while Robert also appeared to half understand.

ps: Please follow the story, and if you have any recommendation tickets, feel free to send them Yellow Mountain's way, and monthly tickets would be even better~~