9. Assassination Analysis (Please follow, please favorite~)


Robert looked at the name Donnie had written and showed a puzzled and surprised expression as he asked, "You suspect Nucky?"

"And who is this brigadier? Is he from the upper echelons of your troops?" John also leaned in at this moment. Although John hadn't been very educated, he could still read.

Robert explained to John, "The brigadier is not a military brigadier; that was his honorific in Atlantic City over a decade ago. Put it this way, Nucky's current status in Atlantic City is what the brigadier's status used to be back then!"

"With that said, I understand now!" John said, shaking his head.

Donnie and Robert smiled at each other.

Donnie then explained to both of them.

"I have always thought that the information we got from those two assassins seemed too convenient, as if they were deliberately leading me to conclude that it was George Kurle's doing. So, I began to wonder if there might be other secrets behind it, like someone wanting to deepen the rift between George Kurle and me intentionally!"

Robert immediately understood what Donnie meant and said, "In the entire Atlantic City, the only one with the ability and the guts to do this is Nucky."

Donnie nodded.

However, John still seemed puzzled as he scratched his head and said, "But why would Nucky do this? If George Kurle really offended Nucky, Nucky could just kill him directly. Why would he go to such lengths to make you hate George Kurle and even take action against him?"

Robert gave John a knuckle on the head, which instantly drew an angry look from John. Robert quickly put on a fawning smile and then explained on behalf of Donnie.

"Because the brigadier's name is Louis Korle, and George Kurle is his illegitimate son. Otherwise, how do you think a man with no education could become a company commander upon entering the military and then immediately become the Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety for Atlantic City after retiring?"

"The brigadier seems to treat his illegitimate son quite well!" John muttered softly.

"That's because the brigadier needs George Kurle to come to Atlantic City to reclaim the throne for him!" Donnie added.

Although the brigadier had other children, none of them were in Atlantic City and none were interested in the brigadier's Atlantic Empire.

"If that's the case, then I'm confused again!" John had many questions today and felt his brain wasn't quite keeping up.

Donnie knew his brother well, embodying the phrase 'simple-minded but physically strong' to the fullest extent.

However, they still needed John for many parts of the upcoming actions, so it was only fair to clarify all his doubts at once.

"The brigadier has been in prison for many years, but not all of his old gang in Atlantic City has disappeared. Moreover, President Wilson, who he had conflicts with in the past, saw a significant decline in his domestic popularity after the end of World War I, and it's very likely he'll lose in the next election.

Nucky might be the underground emperor of Atlantic City, but he still has to be wary of the brigadier's old influence. If he doesn't even take care of the brigadier's son's business, naturally, that would cause dissatisfaction among some people in Atlantic City."

"If this really is Nucky's doing, then there's a logical foundation to it. To Atlantic City, I am an outsider, with no foundation whatsoever. Also, George Kurle and I had conflicts during our time in the military, so if I were the one to take out George,

then this matter would have nothing to do with Nucky; he could even hand me over to the brigadier as an explanation."

"Additionally, another reason which makes me lean towards it being Nucky's doing is that if I had indeed been killed at that moment, Nucky could have used the incident to spin a narrative. He only needed to get the familiar media to release the conflict between George Kurle and me from our military days.

With just a little insinuation, everyone would believe George Kurle killed me to silence me."

"What the f*ck!" After hearing Donnie's explanation, John couldn't help but blurt out an American expletive and loudly said, "This old guy is cunning! We should just kill him!"

Donnie shook his head and said, "You can't imagine Nucky's strength right now, and he is not an ordinary person. Most importantly, all of this is just speculation right now, and George Kurle himself is also a prime suspect."

Robert looked at Donnie seriously and asked, "So, what do we do next?"

Donnie revealed a confident smile, "No matter the specifics of the truth, what we need to do is not become a knife in anyone else's hand. Even if we choose to be the knife, it should be for our own benefit. As for what we should do first, we naturally need to meet with Mr. Nucky. Then, whether he did it or not, everything will become clear!"

"You want to meet Nucky?"

Both John and Robert showed surprised expressions.

But Donnie nodded naturally and said, "That's right, we're going to make a living in Atlantic City from now on. It's inevitable that we'll have to deal with Nucky early on. Getting to know him first is always beneficial!"

"No, it's too dangerous!" John said loudly. "If you must go, then I'll come with you!"

If you go, Nucky might spot something off at a glance... Donnie shook his head. "I can go by myself. Nucky is not an ordinary person, and he won't use the same tactics twice. This time, when I meet him, it's not just a mere acquaintance; more importantly, I hope to get his help!"

Robert was smarter than John, but even with Donnie's words, Robert was left puzzled, not to mention John.

"Nucky will help you?"

"Nucky will meet with you?"

Robert and John asked the question simultaneously.

In response to these two questions, Donnie already had a plan in mind by the time he spoke out, meeting Nucky wouldn't be difficult, but whether he could get his help would depend on the situation at the time.

As for what kind of help Donnie was seeking from Nucky!


The next day!

After enjoying a morning massage, a breakfast that included a quart of freshly squeezed orange juice, half a dozen eggs, and a serving of ham steak, Nucky changed into a light purple suit and, after pinning a fresh carnation in the pocket of his suit jacket, he began receiving guests in his study.

This had been Nucky's routine for years; every morning, he would meet with a variety of people seeking his help in his study, from government officials to city merchants, members of an Atlantic City gang, or even a waiter from a restaurant.

Here, Nucky always tried to solve any problems they might have.

In the afternoon, Nucky would leave the hotel and go to the boardwalk of Atlantic City. Here, leaning against the railing, he would get a direct feel for the state of the entire city.

Beggars would come up to him and receive a few US dollar bills, some political henchmen would seek advice and help, and whether he saw shoeshine boys, flower-selling girls, or newspaper boys, Nucky would pat them on the head affectionately and give them a dollar or two.

This was Nucky's way of living in Atlantic City, because he understood that the votes of the poor and the rich were the same, and if he could take good care of these poor people, it would be easier to get their votes!

Just after seeing a guest out in his study, Louis came up to Nucky, who handed him a piece of paper and said, "The weather is getting colder, remember to prepare winter food, blankets, clothes, and so on!"

Louis nodded and said, "I'll arrange it. When you, boss, go to North District to distribute these supplies, I'll notify the media to come!"

Nucky nodded in satisfaction, "Send the next guest in!"

This time, Louis did not leave immediately, but with a somewhat strange expression said, "Boss, the next guest is Donnie Block!"

Nucky looked up, his grey eyes flashing with a hint of doubt that quickly turned into an interested expression, "He's back?"

Louis nodded, "Yes, he should have come back yesterday."

Nucky smiled, "This has indeed made me interested in this young man. Let him in!"

Louis pulled out his handgun from his waistband and chambered a round.

Seeing Louis's actions, Nucky laughed, "Don't worry, a smart man like him coming at this time has already proven he's intelligent, and intelligent people don't do stupid things!"

Although Louis nodded in agreement with Nucky's words, he did not let down his guard.

Nucky looked at Louis blocking the door, shook his head with a smile, and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

This was Donnie's first meeting with Nucky and he realized that the real Nucky was entirely different from the Nucky in the TV series "Atlantic Empire," especially that shiny bald head.

Yet he had to admit that though the images were completely different, the impression was the same: here was a gentleman of impeccable manners.

Taking off his hat, Donnie greeted with a smile, "Hello Mr. Johnson, I am George Kurle, the owner of the Korla Bar!"

"I know you!" Nucky's smile was as warm as a spring breeze, he gestured toward the chair in front of his desk and said, "Please have a seat!"

"I heard that Korla Bar has a new owner, and that the new owner is a hero from the battlefield, which makes me very happy. Atlantic City is a beautiful place, and that a hero chooses to stay here is a source of pride for the city!"

Donnie replied with a smile, "That's all in the past, now I'm just an owner of a bar, a young man who hopes to get help from Mr. Johnson!"

Nucky said, "My friends like to call me Nucky!"

Donnie readily agreed, "To be able to call Mr. Nucky a friend is an honor for me!"

Nucky asked with a smile, "Now then, dear Mr. Block, you can tell me your request. If it's within my power, I will certainly help you!"

Donnie was not fooled by Nucky's appearance; a gentleman could never become the underground emperor of Atlantic City!

At this moment, the real battle between the two men began!

ps: Keep reading, keep reading, keep reading, seeing how hard Huangshan is working for continued readership, please don't you all give up~~ And thanks to the old friend 'Godstick0000' for the 1000 starting currency reward~~