8. The Underground Emperor of Atlantic City - Nucky (Please follow, please bookmark~)

The moonlight was pristine, and the lights twinkled within Atlantic City before Donnie's eyes, with occasional noisy sounds to be heard.

After spending a few days in Elwood Village, Donnie had returned to Atlantic City, but this time, he wasn't alone; he was accompanied by John and Robert.

"This is the address of my bar in Atlantic City!" Although Donnie had already informed them of the location of Korla Bar, he took added precautions by writing down the address on a piece of paper and handing it to Robert before continuing.

"Wait for me in the car. If there's no trouble over there, come and get me!"

It wasn't that Donnie intentionally sent the two into danger, but rather, since John and Robert were new faces in Atlantic City, if George Kurle was still creating trouble for him, his men would definitely be watching the vicinity of Korle Bar.

There would be no issues for John and Robert to walk over, as both could pass as men who came to Atlantic City just to enjoy themselves without any need for disguises.

The permanent population of Atlantic City at the time was only around forty to fifty thousand, but during the tourist season or on weekends, the population could instantly surge to three to four hundred thousand.

"Most importantly, make sure no one is secretly keeping an eye on the bar!"

Donnie gave his final caution.

Robert took the paper, chuckled with a 'heh heh', and said, "Don't worry, could these guys be any match for those German soldiers?"

Donnie nodded, watching the two head straight for Atlantic City, then he took out his handgun, propped his leg up on the steering wheel, and waited for their return.


Atlantic City was home to countless hotels, but the most luxurious was undoubtedly the Ritz Hotel. The Ritz Hotel had become Atlantic City's most opulent hotel because someone had rented the entire top floor, allowing for a view of the Atlantic Ocean's seascape.

In a room on the ninth floor, converted into a study, sat a tall, well-built man with broad shoulders, lounging on the couch, dressed in a high-end, chocolate-colored, handmade suit, with a fresh red carnation in the lapel, giving off the first impression that the man was a gentleman.

Despite the fact that this man sported a shiny, bald head that didn't quite fit the gentleman's standard.

This man was a well-known figure throughout Atlantic City, more accurately described as the underground emperor of Atlantic City—Enoch Johnson, affectionately known to the locals as 'Nucky'!

Nucky, sipping from his glass, listened to a report from one of his subordinates, who happened to be Joe Hamilton, the same man who had led the search for Donnie with the reporter.

Of course, Joe also had his own profession, Nucky's backup driver.

"Boss, that Block hasn't come back for three days now. Could it be he doesn't dare to return?"

Joe stood opposite Nucky, his hands by his sides, speaking respectfully.

Nucky swirled his glass, speaking distractedly, "If he doesn't come back, then so be it. He was just a pawn to begin with. His presence or absence makes no difference!"

Joe remained silent, waiting for Nucky's next instructions.

Sure enough, after finishing his statement, Nucky looked up and inquired, "How has George been doing these past few days?"

Joe immediately answered, "Eating, drinking, with his gang frequenting every brothel and casino in Atlantic City every day!"

Only then did Nucky sit up slightly, saying, "It seems that the General has already made contact with him, or even returned to Atlantic City. Otherwise, that bastard George wouldn't have so much spare cash."

Joe pursed his lips, wanting to ask his boss why he, who seemed so wary of the General, had initially agreed to appoint George as deputy chief of public security.

Officially, Nucky was the Treasurer of Atlantic City, but in reality, the appointment of any government official in any department of Atlantic City needed Nucky's approval before truly taking office. Otherwise, they wouldn't even receive their appointment letter.

Now, everyone understood that if the General returned to Atlantic City, he would invariably challenge Nucky's dominion over the city. Yet Nucky had still agreed to George Kurle's appointment as deputy?

Such questions, Joe could only bury deep in his heart. Only if he stood beside Nucky would he be entitled to raise his concerns.

"Alright, tell your men to back off from Korle Bar. Donnie is a war hero; if he truly returns, he'll notice them. That'll just make him even more constrained, which is contrary to our initial plan!"

"Yes, sir!"

Joe nodded, knowing he was now free to leave. After a slight bow, he exited Nucky's office.

After Joe's departure, Nucky then addressed the man beside him, "Louis, tell Rivers to stick close to George. I want to be informed about George's whereabouts at all times!"

Louis, whose full name was Louis Kessel, served as Nucky's personal manservant, bodyguard, and head chauffeur—a man standing five feet five inches, with a trunk-like build weighing two hundred and sixty pounds, sporting a Little Mustache polished with wax.

"I've already given the order!"

Nucky, reassured, smiled and said, "You always put my mind at ease."

Louis, expressionless, replied, "That's what I ought to do."

As Nucky rose to his feet, Louis immediately reached for the bowler hat hanging on the coat rack and handed it to Nucky.

Upon donning the hat, Nucky looked even more the gentleman, his smile ever present as if it had never faded, "I've heard 'Corner' hotel has been lively recently. Let's go there tonight!"

'The Corner' hotel wasn't just a hotel; more importantly, it housed a casino. This casino wasn't owned by Nucky, but still, it had to pay him money every month!

Most importantly, ten years ago, it had been the brigadier's base, just like the Ritz Hotel was to Nucky!

Hearing that Nucky was indeed heading to 'The Corner', Louis expressed his concern, "Boss, didn't you just say that the brigadier might have returned to Atlantic City?"

Nucky turned and glanced at Louis, smiling easily, "It's precisely because he's back that I want to pay a visit, after all, he was like an uncle who watched me grow up!"

Nucky's father, Smith Johnson, had once been the sheriff of Atlantic City and also the right-hand man of the Brigadier, the underground emperor of Atlantic City. Nucky's first appearance in Atlantic City was to take over his father's position as the sheriff.

However, after Nucky became the Treasurer of Atlantic City, he passed the position of sheriff to his brother, Eli Johnson.

"Boss, you know what I'm worried about!" Louis still hadn't moved.

Nucky smiled and said, "Don't worry, the brigadier wouldn't be so foolish as to lay hands on me directly!"

Hearing Nucky say this, Louis finally joined Nucky in stepping out of the room. When they reached the entrance of the hotel, the Ritz Hotel valet had already parked Nucky's blue Rolls-Royce at the front.

Upon seeing the valet, Nucky fished out a US dollar from his pocket and handed it over warmly, saying, "Thank you, Deck!"

"It's an honor to serve you!"

With a respectful bow and a smile, Deck replied.

Nucky nodded and saw that Louis had already opened the car door for him, and on the back seat of the car lay a scantily clad woman, sending a seductive smile towards Nucky.

After getting into the car, the woman reclined in Nucky's embrace, his hand already slipping through the neckline of her dress, but Nucky's gaze was fixed on Louis in the driver's seat.

"Damn it, Louis, I need some privacy right now, don't you know to leave some alone time for your boss?"

Without any expression, Louis turned around and pulled the curtains closed.


More than half an hour later, John and Robert met up with Donnie again.

"Nobody!" After seeing Donnie, Robert said with a laugh, "I've also checked the surroundings. There are some traces, but indeed there's nobody there now, and I can assure you they left before we arrived!"

Donnie frowned slightly. The best outcome for him would have been to find either someone there or no one at all. The most annoying scenario was this kind of uncertainty in between.

John carelessly said, "What's it to us, let's just go over. If anyone dares to come, we'll take care of them!"

Donnie shook his head; it was still best to be safe at this time.

"Let's go, I'll take you to stay at the boarding apartments!"

Deciding to spend a night in the city to observe, Donnie thought that if nothing happened by the evening, he would let John and Robert open up the tavern the next day. If there were still no problems then, he would be able to head back home!

Neither John nor Robert tried to guess Donnie's specific reasons. Hearing Donnie's instruction, they simply got into the car.

The three quickly arrived in Atlantic City. The boarding apartments were a tier below a hotel or inn, costing only 1 US dollar per night.

During the tourist season and weekends, the price would rise to 2 US dollars, or 80 cents for a long-term lease!

Donnie only stayed in Atlantic City for two days. Not many people recognized him there, so he directly rented three rooms in the boarding apartments across from the Korla Bar.

The night passed without incident. The next day, Donnie sent John and Robert with the keys to the Korla Bar while he disguised himself as a tourist to scout around the bar until he felt sure enough there were no issues, then he too entered the establishment.

"Donnie, this place is so much better than the Block Tavern!"

John's face was alight with excitement upon seeing Donnie.

Donnie merely smiled and checked the tavern out, finding no signs of a free giveaway, which pleased him even more.

"Are we going to start business today?" Robert asked while pouring himself a beer at the bar.

Donnie shook his head; he had already said that the Korla Bar would only reopen after the Prohibition officially started.

"No need, we'll settle in here first. There are a few things to do, and I also need to carefully consider who those two people might have been sent by!"

Sitting on a chair, Donnie hoped to resolve all the doubts in his mind before the tavern officially opened for business!

After some thought, Donnie had Robert bring paper and a pen from behind the bar, then he wrote down three names: George Kurle, the Brigadier, and Nucky!

ps: Reading, reading, reading, repeat the important things three times. Don't be annoyed, folks, Huang Shan really has no choice ah~~