84、The Doomsday of the Brigadier General (7K Long Chapter, Please Subscribe~)

In the era without commercial airplane travel, the most convenient mode of transportation to and from Atlantic City was the train.

Through the efforts of Jonathan Pitney, the first pioneer of Atlantic City, the city gained its first railway to Philadelphia. Subsequently, American railway companies discovered the business opportunities in Atlantic City and began to expand its railways.

Now, there are two railway companies and four railway lines operating between Philadelphia and Atlantic City, with over a dozen trains running between the two cities every day.

Among them was a premium train service, while tickets for the other trains from Philadelphia to Atlantic City cost 1 US Dollar, a ticket for this train was 3 US Dollars!

At 7 o'clock in the morning, one such train was scheduled to depart.

Vince Olden and his men escorted Ponzi to the Atlantic City train station.

The group surrounded Ponzi, carefully avoiding the crowd and headed inside the station.