84. The Doomsday of the Brigadier General (7K Mega Chapter, Please Subscribe~)_2

Vince said proudly,

"Mr. McGrady, listen to me, I naturally don't have the guts to deceive the General. It was all Donnie who made me do it. He told me that if I didn't do this, he would expose everything about me. I had no choice."

"But rest assured, I haven't touched a cent of the General's money. When I see the General, I will hand it all over to him!"

Ponzi directed the line of fire at Donnie.

Sure enough, upon hearing the name Donnie Block, Vince, who was already bruised and swollen, now looked even uglier, naturally looking even less human.

After being beaten up by Charlie Luciano, Vince knew that it was Donnie who had given away his location.

"It's that bastard again. I won't let him off, rest assured. After I get all your property, both Donnie Block and Nucky will completely disappear from Atlantic City!"

"I have always believed in the strength of the General and you, Mr. McGrady!" Ponzi first flattered, then asked cautiously, "What about me?"