110, Good news comes one after another (7K grand chapter, please subscribe~)

"Donnie, you're back already? Shouldn't you be on-site at this time?"

When Harding received Donnie's call, he asked in surprise, his radio broadcasting the situation of Robert destroying the liquor next to him.

"I guessed you would call me, Mr. Harding, so I came back!"

Donnie said in a relaxed tone.

After listening, Harding laughed heartily, "I must say, talking to you, Donnie, is always such a pleasure!"

"Receiving a call from Mr. Harding at this time is also a great pleasure for me!" Donnie said with an implied meaning.

Harding fell silent for a moment, then said earnestly, "Donnie, I owe you an apology for what happened before. As partners, I should have trusted you!"

"What's past is past!" Donnie picked up the whiskey on the table and said with a smile, "I believe that after this incident, the cooperation between you and me will be very pleasurable, Mr. Harding!"