109, Shocking, shocking (7K large chapter, please subscribe~)_4

Damai James listened to the voice on the radio and laughed loudly.

It wasn't just Damai James who was shocked, Nucky felt the same way, "Donnie always manages to bring us surprises!"

Getting to his feet, Damai James no longer planned to listen to the rest of the broadcast, "We can go find Governor Edwards now. I believe he will surely have a completely different opinion about our proposal!"

Nucky also stood up, "That's what I think too. Before this, whether it was Edwards or some guys in the House of Representatives, they all thought Atlantic City was a city without integrity. But now, Donnie's actions have indeed told them that the very foundation of Atlantic City is integrity!"

As the two walked out of the office, Damai James suddenly asked Nucky, "Still, it seems a bit of a pity to just destroy private liquor worth a hundred thousand US dollars like this!"