Chapter 9 The Unserious Evil Dragon

It wasn't that she, a wasted princess of the empire, was incompetent, it was the Evil Dragon she encountered that was too excellent.

Completely different from the Evil Dragons in legends.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, not hungry... You gave me both roasted beast legs just now, and I haven't seen you eat anything; I was worried you might be hungry."

"I'm not hungry."

Lance re-hung the Vajra Ring onto his Dragon Horn.

"You're free to do as you please, rest if you want to rest, go out and play if you want to play."

"Oh oh oh."

The Young Dragon was still a bit nervous, and it wasn't hard to tell from her eyes and demeanor that she was still somewhat afraid of him, the full-grown Giant Dragon.

There was no helping it; dispelling the Young Dragon's fear would take time.

After spending some time together, once the Young Dragon realized he had no ill intentions towards her, she would probably lose her restraint and revert to the playful nature of a Young Dragon.

Lance had previously thought that talking more to the Young Dragon would ease her anxiety; now it seemed that talking more only caused her to feel more uneasy.

Let her move about freely then, and see if that could spark her desire to explore.

The layout of his Dragon's Den should not be boring.

The Dragon's Den quieted down.

Lucia lay on the soft grass, watching the Evil Dragon.

The Evil Dragon Lance went to the study.

The Evil Dragon Lance lit up.

The Evil Dragon Lance shrank!

Lucia was shocked as she watched the Evil Dragon Lance's immense dragon body gradually reduce to around three meters in length.

Such a tiny Evil Dragon...

Lucia glanced at her own dragon body, which was now twice the size of the Evil Dragon's.

A bold thought occurred to her.

If she were to slap the shrunken Evil Dragon... perhaps the Evil Dragon would cry?

Ha, whether the Evil Dragon would cry from that was unknown, but she would definitely be hung up by the Evil Dragon and given a beating...

The Evil Dragon Lance was truly magical, able to freely control the size of his dragon body.

Why had he shrunk down to such a small size?

Lucia was puzzled as she slowly moved toward the "study".

There she saw it, the Evil Dragon was writing something with a pen.

Lucia, who had been lying on the grass, got up and squatted in front of the Evil Dragon Lance's "desk", curiously watching him write and draw.

It was the script humans used.

Favored: The Evil Dragon Falls in Love with Me.


What was this?

Those first few words, why did they look so much like the entertainment books published by the Imperial Publishing House?

Some noble young ladies and matrons would occasionally read some entertainment books to pass the time.

She would read them too when she had nothing better to do.

Stories of Evil Dragons, princesses, and heroes were all found in entertainment books.

Her knowledge of Evil Dragons partly came from entertainment books and partly from the tales of adventurers.

Could it be... that Evil Dragon Lance... was writing an entertainment book?

Impossible, impossible.

How could an Evil Dragon possibly write a romantic series of entertainment books?

He had never been in love.

An Evil Dragon who had never been in love writing a romance novel, would that even be readable?

"Evil... Lance, what are you writing?"

"Writing a draft."

"A draft?"

"Yes, that sort of romantic entertainment fiction for human girls."

It was really an entertainment book!

And the Evil Dragon even had a specific target audience!

The target audience was human girls.

"Are you writing this to entertain the princess in her spare time?"

"No, it's to make money."

So the Evil Dragon knew how to write entertainment books to earn money; indeed, those in the capital who wrote entertainment books could make a living that way.

Some well-known authors of entertainment books could even collaborate with theatres.

The problem was, Lance was an Evil Dragon. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't his means of acquiring wealth be raiding human towns?

"Can you make money from this?"


"How much can you earn?"

"Adding up bits and pieces, there will be at least a hundred Gold Coins."


A hundred Gold Coins?

As an Evil Dragon, could he bear such humiliation?

If it were her, she would have kidnapped the publisher's boss, forcing the boss to buy out her entertainment books at a high price.

An entertainment book should fetch her at least a thousand, ten thousand Gold Coins!

"That's too little, it's quicker to raid human towns for money." Lucia mustered her courage to make a comment, then asked, "Lance, why don't you raid human towns or attack caravans?"

"The Gold Coins obtained from raids are unclean, and they emit an ominous aura. I also don't like to bully the weak. It's more interesting to earn money on my own merit."

From hatching to growing into an adult Black Dragon, he had never raided a human town, attacked a caravan, or bullied other races on the continent.

As long as humans didn't target him, he wouldn't target humans.

If someone did focus their attention on him, though, he wouldn't mind letting them understand what an Evil Dragon was.

"So, you've never gone to the Human World to steal money?"

"Never," Lance lifted his head, "Don't believe me?"

"If any other Evil Dragon said that, I wouldn't believe it, but when you say it...I believe it."

It was an odd intuition; although she was very afraid of Evil Dragon Lance, she found his words very credible.

"This manuscript of yours... you better not write it anymore."

"Why not?"

"You've never been in love, so the romance novels you write are unlikely to resonate with the noble ladies of the Human World."


Her argument was logical, and there was no refuting it.

No wonder his previous manuscripts submitted to publishers vanished without a trace.

Could it be that to write a good romantic story, one must have experienced love at least once?

"Actually, the romance stories I wrote are quite good. If you don't believe me, I can take out my previous manuscripts for you to see."


Lance stopped writing manuscripts and started writing teaching materials instead.

Dragon clan: Kindergarten [Young Dragon Edition] Dragon Script Textbook.

First, he compiled a Dragon Script textbook for kindergarten, and once the Young Dragons learned it, he would create a primary school edition.

Let the Young Dragons learn slowly.

After all, Giant Dragons have nothing but time.

Evil Dragon changed the script.

He wasn't using the script of humans.

It looked like a very ancient script.

As an imperial Princess, she had systematically studied several scripts of different races.

Elvish Script.

Orcish Script.

Dwarf Script.

She could even communicate with Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs using these scripts.

Right, since Evil Dragon is teaching her Dragon Script, she can also teach him the scripts of other races in return.

Yes, it's best to start by teaching him Elvish Script.

Elvish Script is elegant.

The characters are graceful and unrestrained, just like an Elf's beauty.

Evil Dragon knows many things, but he surely doesn't understand Elvish Script.

Hehe, it seems that she, as a Princess, isn't completely useless in front of Evil Dragon Lance.

"Lance, what script is this?"

"Dragon Script."

"You're using Dragon Script to write entertainment reading material?"

"These are teaching materials, for teaching you Dragon Script at night."

"What?" Lucia was somewhat dumbfounded, was she going to be a student on her very first day being captured by the Evil Dragon?

"Two hours of Dragon Script learning time every night, with a break on days of the True God."

Days of the True God are Saturday and Sunday.

"Oh, got it."

She might as well study.

Ancient Dragon Script, ah, Historians want to learn it, but the Dragons can't be bothered to teach them.

Besides, during the day the Evil Dragon might have to learn Elvish Script from her.

At night she's the student of the Evil Dragon.

During the day, the Evil Dragon is her student.

"Lance, do you speak Elvish?"

"Yes," the Evil Dragon who was compiling the materials stopped writing and looked at Lucia, "Do you want to learn Elvish?"


Without answering, Lucia sat down to the side and started scribbling circles with her Dragon Claw.

Wasn't the Evil Dragon a bit too undisciplined?