Chapter 10 The Evil Dragon Who Likes to Keep Healthy

The industrious Evil Dragon is truly detestable.

Who has ever seen an Evil Dragon that doesn't kidnap princesses, doesn't plunder human towns, but stays home every day learning and developing its own territory?

Wouldn't it be fair to say that such an Evil Dragon neglects its proper business?

Not at all.

"Then do you... understand Dwarvish? Can you read the writings of the Dwarf Tribe?"

As Lucia was drawing circles, she asked softly while praying in her heart that the Evil Dragon Lance wouldn't speak Dwarvish and wouldn't know how to read the Dwarf Tribe's script.

"I spoke Dwarvish and could write the Dwarf Tribe's script when I was over eighteen hundred years old. I'd even transformed into a human and learned weapon forging from a master blacksmith of the Dwarf Tribe back then."

Wuu wuu, are the gods not at home?

If they were, how could they not hear her prayers?

"You know so much, then can you speak Orcish? Can you write the script used by Orcs?"

"That too, when I was over two thousand years old, I was curious about the Druids' shape-shifting abilities of the Orc Tribe, so I lived for a time in the Orc Kingdom in the guise of a Dragonborn."


Is this really an Evil Dragon?

Don't most Evil Dragons, when they're not off kidnapping princesses, spend most of their time sleeping?

Sleeping for centuries on end.

Has Evil Dragon Lance grown so big without ever going into a deep slumber?

So much time wasted on frolics; does that befit its identity as a Giant Dragon?

As an Evil Dragon, can't you do something respectable?

Lucia dragged herself back to where she slept, dispirited.

"If you want to learn the languages and scripts of these races, wait until you've learned Dragon Script, then I'll teach you."

Lance did not mind teaching Lucia what he knew; if she wanted to learn, he was happy to teach.

"Alright, I must become an excellent Evil Dragon just like you."

If only I could live for two or three thousand years like you...

Lucia added weakly in her heart, to become an excellent Evil Dragon like Evil Dragon Lance, aside from being smart and studious, one also needed longevity.

Hehe, at most she could only live to a hundred years old, thus one of two dreams was bound to remain unfulfilled.

Becoming an excellent Evil Dragon like Evil Dragon Lance was impossible.

But, becoming the Emperor of Farolan was still a possibility.

She was not inferior to Evil Dragon Lance in every aspect, there was something where she was stronger than Evil Dragon Lance.

She had more money than Evil Dragon Rance.

Evil Dragon Lance's savings totaled a mere sixty-some Gold Coins, while she had two hundred Gold Coins for spending money every month.

Darn, when fleeing the imperial city I forgot to take my little treasury. Asina, that stinking big sister, she better not have confiscated it!

Eva, you must not let that stinking big sister confiscate my little treasury, you have to hide it well for me.

Lucia lay on the grass, eyes closed, silently praying in her heart.

Lance continued to compile the kindergarten version of the Dragon Script textbook.

After he had finished compiling the Dragon Script materials needed for the evening, he found Lucia curled up in a corner of the Dragon's Den, fast asleep.

Having failed to intimidate in the skies above the Human Empire and almost captured by the Griffin Knight Legion of the Human World, she then encountered him, an adult Black Dragon; she must have been terribly frightened.

Sleeping in a corner, curled up into a ball, showed that this little one lacked a sense of security.

Lance did not wake Lucia.

Sleep, we'll talk about everything after this little one wakes up.

With nothing to do, Lance went to the library, took out a book and returned to his sleeping spot, laying down to quietly read.

He was reading a book related to medicinal herbs.

When he had nothing to do, he would concoct Magic Potions using medicinal herbs and occasionally practiced Alchemy as well.

He planned to concoct some Magic Potions to sell in the Human World for money.

Earn a bit more money, and take this little one he'd found to see the bustling life in the Human World.

The Human World now was much more prosperous than when he had hatched from his egg.

There were all kinds of bizarre and fascinating professions.

Wizards, mages, warriors, knights, origin-energy card makers, potion masters, summoners, and some other flashy professions with incredible combat abilities.

When taking the young dragon to the Human World, he let her interact with these humans, witness the extraordinariness of the transcendent beings from the Human World, so that she would consider the consequences when causing trouble there in the future.

If he could find Dragon Island, he would take this little one to see it someday.

Lance thought the young dragon he had found would wake up before dark, at dinner time, but she slept like a log with no sign of waking up.

It saved him the trouble, as he didn't have to prepare dinner.

Teaching the young dragon Dragon Script would be postponed until tomorrow evening.

Let this little one sleep well.

Lance read for a while, then envisioned the formula for a concoction of an invisibility magic potion in his mind and wrote it down in his notebook.

After doing all this and seeing the young dragon still had no intention of waking up, he stood up and walked to the spacious living room. He positioned himself and began practicing the Health Vajra Longevity Technique.

The Vajra Longevity Technique was a Taoist health cultivation skill. In his previous life as a human, he practiced Vajra Technique in the morning and Longevity Technique in the evening.

His physical condition had improved quite a bit from before.

After reincarnating into this world, hatching from the egg, and becoming a young Black Dragon, he tried practicing the Eightfold Vajra Technique in order to become stronger and found that he could practice it.

Pureblood Dragons stand upright, so he could practice the Eightfold Vajra Technique while standing.

He practiced it from his youth until adulthood.

Starting health cultivation from a young age, pureblood dragons could live ten thousand years. As for a pureblood dragon like him, who knew how to cultivate health, living twenty thousand years should be no problem.

After one round of Longevity Technique and a little bit of movement, Lance returned to his sleeping spot, lie down leisurely on a grass bed woven with flowers and grass, and slowly closed his eyes.

Before he turned 2,300 years old, he would occasionally fall into deep sleep for extended periods during his rapid growth phase, which was unavoidable.

After 2,500 years old, his daily routine became more or less similar to that of humans.

A night without words.



The still-sleeping young dragon was woken up by Lance.

Just waking up from her dreams, Lucia was instinctively about to sit up and stretch, but she immediately came to her senses as soon as she moved; she wasn't human now, she was a young dragon.

Where she was wasn't the imperial capital—it was Evil Dragon Lance's Dragon's Den.

The one waking her up wasn't Eva, who liked to wear black wizard robes—it was Evil Dragon Lance.

"Good morning... Good morning, Lance."

"Good morning, Lucia. How did you sleep last night?"

"Quite well."

"Do you want to go out and move around?"

"Sure, I actually have a habit of taking a walk in the morning."

"That's good," Lance grinned fiercely, "Do you like health practices?"

"Huh? Health practices?"

Aren't those the things that old people enjoy?

She was just in her teens; what health was there for her to cultivate?

If it was about beauty and skincare, she was interested, but health practices... forget it, better to lie in bed and sleep a bit more.

"I do."

"Then let's go, I'll teach you a set of health cultivation techniques."


Wait, are you actually serious about health cultivation?

You're an Evil Dragon; even if you don't practice health cultivation, you can easily live seven or eight thousand years.

Lucia suspected… Lance might have amnesia, occasionally forgetting that he was an Evil Dragon.